JWT Authentication (proto)
This extension has the qualified name envoy.filters.http.jwt_authn
This extension is intended to be robust against untrusted downstream traffic. It assumes that the upstream is trusted.
This extension extends and can be used with the following extension category:
This extension must be configured with one of the following type URLs:
JWT Authentication configuration overview.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtProvider proto]
Please see following for JWT authentication flow:
A JwtProvider message specifies how a JSON Web Token (JWT) can be verified. It specifies:
issuer: the principal that issues the JWT. If specified, it has to match the
field in JWT.allowed audiences: the ones in the token have to be listed here.
how to fetch public key JWKS to verify the token signature.
how to extract the JWT in the request.
how to pass successfully verified token payload.
issuer: https://example.com
- bookstore_android.apps.googleusercontent.com
- bookstore_web.apps.googleusercontent.com
uri: https://example.com/.well-known/jwks.json
cluster: example_jwks_cluster
timeout: 1s
seconds: 300
"issuer": ...,
"audiences": [],
"subjects": {...},
"require_expiration": ...,
"max_lifetime": {...},
"remote_jwks": {...},
"local_jwks": {...},
"forward": ...,
"from_headers": [],
"from_params": [],
"from_cookies": [],
"forward_payload_header": ...,
"pad_forward_payload_header": ...,
"payload_in_metadata": ...,
"normalize_payload_in_metadata": {...},
"header_in_metadata": ...,
"failed_status_in_metadata": ...,
"clock_skew_seconds": ...,
"jwt_cache_config": {...},
"claim_to_headers": [],
"clear_route_cache": ...
- issuer
(string) Specify the principal that issued the JWT, usually a URL or an email address.
It is optional. If specified, it has to match the
field in JWT, otherwise the JWTiss
field is not checked.Note:
allow_missing and allow_missing_or_failed are implemented differently than otherJwtRequirements
. Hence the usage of this field is different as follows ifallow_missing
is used:If a JWT has
field, it needs to be specified by this field in one ofJwtProviders
.If a JWT doesn’t have
field, one ofJwtProviders
should fill this field empty.Multiple
should not have same value in this field.
Example: https://securetoken.google.com Example: 1234567-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com
- audiences
(repeated string) The list of JWT audiences are allowed to access. A JWT containing any of these audiences will be accepted. If not specified, will not check audiences in the token.
audiences: - bookstore_android.apps.googleusercontent.com - bookstore_web.apps.googleusercontent.com
- subjects
(type.matcher.v3.StringMatcher) Restrict the subjects that the JwtProvider can assert. For instance, this could implement JWT-SVID subject restrictions. If not specified, will not check subjects in the token.
subjects: prefix: spiffe://spiffe.example.com/
- require_expiration
(bool) Requires that the credential contains an expiration. For instance, this could implement JWT-SVID expiration restrictions. Unlike
, this only requires that expiration is present, wheremax_lifetime
also checks the value.Example:
require_expiration: true
- max_lifetime
(Duration) Restrict the maximum remaining lifetime of a credential from the JwtProvider. Credential lifetime is the difference between the current time and the expiration of the credential. For instance, the following example will reject credentials that have a lifetime longer than 24 hours. If not set, expiration checking still occurs, but there is no limit on credential lifetime. If set, takes precedence over
max_lifetime: seconds: 86400
- remote_jwks
(extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.RemoteJwks) JWKS can be fetched from remote server via HTTP/HTTPS. This field specifies the remote HTTP URI and how the fetched JWKS should be cached.
remote_jwks: http_uri: uri: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs cluster: jwt.www.googleapis.com|443 timeout: 1s cache_duration: seconds: 300
JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) is needed to validate signature of a JWT. This field specifies where to fetch JWKS.
Precisely one of remote_jwks, local_jwks must be set.
- local_jwks
(config.core.v3.DataSource) JWKS is in local data source. It could be either in a local file or embedded in the inline_string.
Example: local file
local_jwks: filename: /etc/envoy/jwks/jwks1.txt
Example: inline_string
local_jwks: inline_string: ACADADADADA
JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) is needed to validate signature of a JWT. This field specifies where to fetch JWKS.
Precisely one of remote_jwks, local_jwks must be set.
- forward
(bool) If false, the JWT is removed in the request after a success verification. If true, the JWT is not removed in the request. Default value is false. caveat: only works for from_header/from_params & has no effect for JWTs extracted through from_cookies.
- from_headers
(repeated extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtHeader) Two fields below define where to extract the JWT from an HTTP request.
If no explicit location is specified, the following default locations are tried in order:
1. The Authorization header using the Bearer schema. Example:
Authorization: Bearer <token>.
access_token query parameter.
Multiple JWTs can be verified for a request. Each JWT has to be extracted from the locations its provider specified or from the default locations.
Specify the HTTP headers to extract the JWT. For examples, following config:
from_headers: - name: x-goog-iap-jwt-assertion
can be used to extract token from header:
``x-goog-iap-jwt-assertion: <JWT>``.
- from_params
(repeated string) JWT is sent in a query parameter.
represents the query parameter names.For example, if config is:
from_params: - jwt_token
The JWT format in query parameter is:
- forward_payload_header
(string) This field specifies the header name to forward a successfully verified JWT payload to the backend. The forwarded data is:
If it is not specified, the payload will not be forwarded.
- pad_forward_payload_header
(bool) When forward_payload_header is specified, the base64 encoded payload will be added to the headers. Normally JWT based64 encode doesn’t add padding. If this field is true, the header will be padded.
This field is only relevant if forward_payload_header is specified.
- payload_in_metadata
(string) If non empty, successfully verified JWT payloads will be written to StreamInfo DynamicMetadata in the format as:
is the jwt_authn filter name as``envoy.filters.http.jwt_authn``
The value is theprotobuf::Struct
. The value of this field will be the key for itsfields
and the value is theprotobuf::Struct
converted from JWT JSON payload.For example, if payload_in_metadata is
:envoy.filters.http.jwt_authn: my_payload: iss: https://example.com sub: test@example.com aud: https://example.com exp: 1501281058
- normalize_payload_in_metadata
(extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtProvider.NormalizePayload) Normalizes the payload representation in the request metadata.
- header_in_metadata
(string) If not empty, similar to payload_in_metadata, a successfully verified JWT header will be written to Dynamic State as an entry (
) inenvoy.filters.http.jwt_authn
with the value of this field as the key.For example, if
:envoy.filters.http.jwt_authn: my_header: alg: JWT kid: EF71iSaosbC5C4tC6Syq1Gm647M alg: PS256
When the metadata has
entry already (for example if payload_in_metadata is not empty), it will be inserted as a new entry in the samenamespace
as shown below:envoy.filters.http.jwt_authn: my_payload: iss: https://example.com sub: test@example.com aud: https://example.com exp: 1501281058 my_header: alg: JWT kid: EF71iSaosbC5C4tC6Syq1Gm647M alg: PS256
Using the same key name for header_in_metadata and payload_in_metadata is not suggested due to potential override of existing entry, while it is not enforced during config validation.
- failed_status_in_metadata
(string) If non empty, the failure status
for a non verified JWT will be written to StreamInfo DynamicMetadata in the format as:namespace
is the jwt_authn filter name asenvoy.filters.http.jwt_authn
The value is theprotobuf::Struct
. The values of this field will becode
and they will contain the JWT authentication failure status code and a message describing the failure.For example, if failed_status_in_metadata is
:envoy.filters.http.jwt_authn: my_auth_failure_status: code: 3 message: Jwt expired
- clock_skew_seconds
(uint32) Specify the clock skew in seconds when verifying JWT time constraint, such as
, andnbf
. If not specified, default is 60 seconds.
- jwt_cache_config
(extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtCacheConfig) Enables JWT cache, its size is specified by
. Only valid JWTs are cached.
- claim_to_headers
(repeated extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtClaimToHeader) Add JWT claim to HTTP Header Specify the claim name you want to copy in which HTTP header. For examples, following config: The claim must be of type; string, int, double, bool. Array type claims are not supported
44 claim_to_headers: 45 - claim_name: user_id 46 header_name: x-firebase-uid 47 - claim_name: firebase.sign_in_provider 48 header_name: x-firebase-provider
This header is only reserved for jwt claim; any other value will be overwritten.
- clear_route_cache
(bool) Clears route cache in order to allow the JWT to correctly affect routing decisions. Filter clears all cached routes when:
The field is set to
.At least one
header is added to the request OR ifpayload_in_metadata
is set.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtProvider.NormalizePayload proto]
Alters the payload representation in the request dynamic metadata to facilitate its use in matching.
"space_delimited_claims": []
- space_delimited_claims
(repeated string) Each claim in this list will be interpreted as a space-delimited string and converted to a list of strings based on the delimited values. Example: a token with a claim
scope: "email profile"
is translated to dynamic metadatascope: ["email", "profile"]
if this field is set value["scope"]
. This special handling ofscope
is recommended by RFC8693.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtCacheConfig proto]
This message specifies JWT Cache configuration.
"jwt_cache_size": ...
- jwt_cache_size
(uint32) The unit is number of JWTs, default to 100.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.RemoteJwks proto]
This message specifies how to fetch JWKS from remote and how to cache it.
"http_uri": {...},
"cache_duration": {...},
"async_fetch": {...},
"retry_policy": {...}
- http_uri
(config.core.v3.HttpUri, REQUIRED) The HTTP URI to fetch the JWKS. For example:
http_uri: uri: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs cluster: jwt.www.googleapis.com|443 timeout: 1s
- cache_duration
(Duration) Duration after which the cached JWKS should be expired. If not specified, default cache duration is 10 minutes.
- async_fetch
(extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwksAsyncFetch) Fetch Jwks asynchronously in the main thread before the listener is activated. Fetched Jwks can be used by all worker threads.
If this feature is not enabled:
The Jwks is fetched on-demand when the requests come. During the fetching, first few requests are paused until the Jwks is fetched.
Each worker thread fetches its own Jwks since Jwks cache is per worker thread.
If this feature is enabled:
Fetched Jwks is done in the main thread before the listener is activated. Its fetched Jwks can be used by all worker threads. Each worker thread doesn’t need to fetch its own.
Jwks is ready when the requests come, not need to wait for the Jwks fetching.
- retry_policy
(config.core.v3.RetryPolicy) Retry policy for fetching Jwks. optional. turned off by default.
For example:
retry_policy: retry_back_off: base_interval: 0.01s max_interval: 20s num_retries: 10
will yield a randomized truncated exponential backoff policy with an initial delay of 10ms 10 maximum attempts spaced at most 20s seconds.
retry_policy: num_retries:1
uses the default retry backoff strategy. with the default base interval is 1000 milliseconds. and the default maximum interval of 10 times the base interval.
if num_retries is omitted, the default is to allow only one retry.
If enabled, the retry policy will apply to all Jwks fetching approaches, e.g. on demand or asynchronously in background.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwksAsyncFetch proto]
Fetch Jwks asynchronously in the main thread when the filter config is parsed. The listener is activated only after the Jwks is fetched. When the Jwks is expired in the cache, it is fetched again in the main thread. The fetched Jwks from the main thread can be used by all worker threads.
"fast_listener": ...,
"failed_refetch_duration": {...}
- fast_listener
(bool) If false, the listener is activated after the initial fetch is completed. The initial fetch result can be either successful or failed. If true, it is activated without waiting for the initial fetch to complete. Default is false.
- failed_refetch_duration
(Duration) The duration to refetch after a failed fetch. If not specified, default is 1 second.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtHeader proto]
This message specifies a header location to extract the JWT.
"name": ...,
"value_prefix": ...
- name
(string, REQUIRED) The HTTP header name.
- value_prefix
(string) The value prefix. The value format is “value_prefix<token>” For example, for “Authorization: Bearer <token>”, value_prefix=”Bearer “ with a space at the end.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.ProviderWithAudiences proto]
Specify a required provider with audiences.
"provider_name": ...,
"audiences": []
- provider_name
(string) Specify a required provider name.
- audiences
(repeated string) This field overrides the one specified in the JwtProvider.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtRequirement proto]
This message specifies a Jwt requirement. An empty message means JWT verification is not required. Here are some config examples:
# Example 1: not required with an empty message
# Example 2: require A
provider_name: provider-A
# Example 3: require A or B
- provider_name: provider-A
- provider_name: provider-B
# Example 4: require A and B
- provider_name: provider-A
- provider_name: provider-B
# Example 5: require A and (B or C)
- provider_name: provider-A
- requires_any:
- provider_name: provider-B
- provider_name: provider-C
# Example 6: require A or (B and C)
- provider_name: provider-A
- requires_all:
- provider_name: provider-B
- provider_name: provider-C
# Example 7: A is optional (if token from A is provided, it must be valid, but also allows
missing token.)
- provider_name: provider-A
- allow_missing: {}
# Example 8: A is optional and B is required.
- requires_any:
- provider_name: provider-A
- allow_missing: {}
- provider_name: provider-B
"provider_name": ...,
"provider_and_audiences": {...},
"requires_any": {...},
"requires_all": {...},
"allow_missing_or_failed": {...},
"allow_missing": {...}
- provider_name
(string) Specify a required provider name.
Only one of provider_name, provider_and_audiences, requires_any, requires_all, allow_missing_or_failed, allow_missing may be set.
- provider_and_audiences
(extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.ProviderWithAudiences) Specify a required provider with audiences.
Only one of provider_name, provider_and_audiences, requires_any, requires_all, allow_missing_or_failed, allow_missing may be set.
- requires_any
(extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtRequirementOrList) Specify list of JwtRequirement. Their results are OR-ed. If any one of them passes, the result is passed.
Only one of provider_name, provider_and_audiences, requires_any, requires_all, allow_missing_or_failed, allow_missing may be set.
- requires_all
(extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtRequirementAndList) Specify list of JwtRequirement. Their results are AND-ed. All of them must pass, if one of them fails or missing, it fails.
Only one of provider_name, provider_and_audiences, requires_any, requires_all, allow_missing_or_failed, allow_missing may be set.
- allow_missing_or_failed
(Empty) The requirement is always satisfied even if JWT is missing or the JWT verification fails. A typical usage is: this filter is used to only verify JWTs and pass the verified JWT payloads to another filter, the other filter will make decision. In this mode, all JWTs will be verified.
Only one of provider_name, provider_and_audiences, requires_any, requires_all, allow_missing_or_failed, allow_missing may be set.
- allow_missing
(Empty) The requirement is satisfied if JWT is missing, but failed if JWT is presented but invalid. Similar to allow_missing_or_failed, this is used to only verify JWTs and pass the verified payload to another filter. The different is this mode will reject requests with invalid tokens.
Only one of provider_name, provider_and_audiences, requires_any, requires_all, allow_missing_or_failed, allow_missing may be set.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtRequirementOrList proto]
This message specifies a list of RequiredProvider. Their results are OR-ed; if any one of them passes, the result is passed
"requirements": []
- requirements
(repeated extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtRequirement, REQUIRED) Specify a list of JwtRequirement.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtRequirementAndList proto]
This message specifies a list of RequiredProvider. Their results are AND-ed; all of them must pass, if one of them fails or missing, it fails.
"requirements": []
- requirements
(repeated extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtRequirement, REQUIRED) Specify a list of JwtRequirement.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.RequirementRule proto]
This message specifies a Jwt requirement for a specific Route condition. Example 1:
- match:
prefix: /healthz
In above example, “requires” field is empty for /healthz prefix match, it means that requests matching the path prefix don’t require JWT authentication.
Example 2:
- match:
prefix: /
requires: { provider_name: provider-A }
In above example, all requests matched the path prefix require jwt authentication from “provider-A”.
"match": {...},
"requires": {...},
"requirement_name": ...
- match
(config.route.v3.RouteMatch, REQUIRED) The route matching parameter. Only when the match is satisfied, the “requires” field will apply.
For example: following match will match all requests.
match: prefix: /
- requires
(extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtRequirement) Specify a Jwt requirement. Please see detail comment in message JwtRequirement.
Specify a Jwt requirement. If not specified, Jwt verification is disabled.
Only one of requires, requirement_name may be set.
- requirement_name
(string) Use requirement_name to specify a Jwt requirement. This requirement_name MUST be specified at the requirement_map in
.Specify a Jwt requirement. If not specified, Jwt verification is disabled.
Only one of requires, requirement_name may be set.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.FilterStateRule proto]
This message specifies Jwt requirements based on stream_info.filterState.
This FilterState should use Router::StringAccessor
object to set a string value.
Other HTTP filters can use it to specify Jwt requirements dynamically.
name: jwt_selector
provider_name: issuer1
provider_name: issuer2
If a filter set “jwt_selector” with “issuer_1” to FilterState for a request, jwt_authn filter will use JwtRequirement{“provider_name”: “issuer1”} to verify.
"name": ...,
"requires": {...}
- name
(string, REQUIRED) The filter state name to retrieve the
- requires
(repeated map<string, extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtRequirement>) A map of string keys to requirements. The string key is the string value in the FilterState with the name specified in the
field above.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtAuthentication proto]
This is the Envoy HTTP filter config for JWT authentication.
For example:
issuer: issuer1
- audience1
- audience2
uri: https://example.com/.well-known/jwks.json
cluster: example_jwks_cluster
timeout: 1s
issuer: issuer2
inline_string: jwks_string
# Not jwt verification is required for /health path
- match:
prefix: /health
# Jwt verification for provider1 is required for path prefixed with "prefix"
- match:
prefix: /prefix
provider_name: provider1
# Jwt verification for either provider1 or provider2 is required for all other requests.
- match:
prefix: /
- provider_name: provider1
- provider_name: provider2
"providers": {...},
"rules": [],
"filter_state_rules": {...},
"bypass_cors_preflight": ...,
"requirement_map": {...},
"strip_failure_response": ...
- providers
(repeated map<string, extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtProvider>) Map of provider names to JwtProviders.
providers: provider1: issuer: issuer1 audiences: - audience1 - audience2 remote_jwks: http_uri: uri: https://example.com/.well-known/jwks.json cluster: example_jwks_cluster timeout: 1s provider2: issuer: provider2 local_jwks: inline_string: jwks_string
- rules
(repeated extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.RequirementRule) Specifies requirements based on the route matches. The first matched requirement will be applied. If there are overlapped match conditions, please put the most specific match first.
rules: - match: prefix: /healthz - match: prefix: /baz requires: provider_name: provider1 - match: prefix: /foo requires: requires_any: requirements: - provider_name: provider1 - provider_name: provider2 - match: prefix: /bar requires: requires_all: requirements: - provider_name: provider1 - provider_name: provider2
- filter_state_rules
(extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.FilterStateRule) This message specifies Jwt requirements based on stream_info.filterState. Other HTTP filters can use it to specify Jwt requirements dynamically. The
field above is checked first, if it could not find any matches, check this one.
- bypass_cors_preflight
(bool) When set to true, bypass the CORS preflight request regardless of JWT requirements specified in the rules.
- requirement_map
(repeated map<string, extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtRequirement>) A map of unique requirement_names to JwtRequirements. requirement_name in
uses this map to specify a JwtRequirement.
- strip_failure_response
(bool) A request failing the verification process will receive a 401 downstream with the failure response details in the body along with WWWAuthenticate header value set with “invalid token”. If this value is set to true, the response details will be stripped and only a 401 response code will be returned. Default value is false
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.PerRouteConfig proto]
Specify per-route config.
"disabled": ...,
"requirement_name": ...
- disabled
(bool) Disable Jwt Authentication for this route.
Precisely one of disabled, requirement_name must be set.
- requirement_name
(string) Use requirement_name to specify a JwtRequirement. This requirement_name MUST be specified at the requirement_map in
. If no, the requests using this route will be rejected with 403.Precisely one of disabled, requirement_name must be set.
[extensions.filters.http.jwt_authn.v3.JwtClaimToHeader proto]
This message specifies a combination of header name and claim name.
"header_name": ...,
"claim_name": ...
- header_name
(string, REQUIRED) The HTTP header name to copy the claim to. The header name will be sanitized and replaced.
- claim_name
(string, REQUIRED) The field name for the JWT Claim : it can be a nested claim of type (eg. “claim.nested.key”, “sub”) String separated with “.” in case of nested claims. The nested claim name must use dot “.” to separate the JSON name path.