Default Local Address Selector (proto)

This extension has the qualified name envoy.upstream.local_address_selector.default_local_address_selector


This extension is functional but has not had substantial production burn time, use only with this caveat.

This extension has an unknown security posture and should only be used in deployments where both the downstream and upstream are trusted.


This extension extends and can be used with the following extension category:

This extension must be configured with one of the following type URLs:


[config.upstream.local_address_selector.v3.DefaultLocalAddressSelector proto]

Default implementation of a local address selector. This implementation is used if local_address_selector is not specified. This implementation supports the specification of only one address in extra_source_addresses which is appended to the address specified in the source_address field. The extra address should have a different IP version than the address in the source_address field. The address which has the same IP version with the target host’s address IP version will be used as bind address. If there is no same IP version address found, the address in the source_address field will be returned.