Proto Message Extraction

  • gRPC architecture overview

  • This filter should be configured with the type URL

  • v3 API reference.

ProtoMessageExtraction filter supports extracting gRPC requests/responses (proto messages) into google.protobuf.Struct and storing results in the dynamic metadata envoy.filters.http.proto_message_extraction for later access.

Use Case

The ProtoMessageExtraction filter is particularly useful in scenarios where sensitive or detailed logging of gRPC requests and responses is required. In Client-Side Streaming or Server-Side Streaming, the filter can store the first and last messages, which can later be used for logging or for obtaining a comprehensive view of the data flow.


This filter assumes it is only applicable for gRPC with Protobuf as payload.

Process Flow

On the request and response path, it will check

  1. if the incoming gRPC request/response is configured, the filter tries to:

  1. buffer the incoming data to complete protobuf messages

  2. extract individual protobuf messages according to directives

  3. write the result into the dynamic metadata

  4. pass through the request/response data

  1. otherwise, pass through the request.

The extraction process in this filter is not on the critical path, as it does not modify the request or response. The filter extracts the specified fields, writes them to dynamic metadata, and then passes the request/response through without modification.

Config Requirements

Here are config requirements

1. the extract target field should be among the following primitive types: string, uint32, uint64, int32, int64, sint32, sint64, fixed32, fixed64, sfixed32, sfixed64, float, double.

  1. the target field could be repeated.

  2. the intermediate type could also be repeated.

Output Format

The extracted requests and responses will be will be added in the dynamic metadata<google.protobuf.Struct> with the same layout of the message.

For the default FIRST_AND_LAST mode, the output will be like:

Case: Non-Streaming requests/response

        "foo": "val_foo1",
        "baz": "val_baz1",

Case: Streaming requests/response

        "foo": "val_foo1",
        "foo": "val_foo3",
        "baz": "val_baz1",
        "baz": "val_foo3",

For more details, please refer to the v3 API reference.