gRPC-JSON reverse transcoder
This filter should be configured with the type URL
This is a filter which allows a gRPC client to send requests to Envoy and get proxied to a RESTful JSON API service. The HTTP mapping for the gRPC service has to be defined by custom options.
Unsupported options from google.api.http
additional_binding: The gRPC-JSON reverse transcoder ignores this options, if set, as it makes binding a gRPC method to a single HTTP endpoint difficult.
response_body: The gRPC-JSON reverse transcoder uses the whole response from the upstream service as a response to the gRPC client and ignores this options, if set.
JSON mapping
The protobuf to JSON mapping is defined here.
NOTE: The gRPC-JSON reverse transcoder ignores the
option and uses the proto field names as the JSON names by default.
How to generate proto descriptor set
Envoy has to know the proto descriptor of your gRPC service in order to do the transcoding.
To generate a protobuf descriptor set for the gRPC service, you’ll also need to clone the
googleapis repository from GitHub before running protoc
, as you’ll need annotations.proto
in your include path, to define the HTTP mapping.
$ git clone
$ GOOGLEAPIS_DIR=<your-local-googleapis-folder>
Then run protoc
to generate the descriptor set. For example using the test
bookstore.proto provided in the Envoy repository:
$ protoc -I${GOOGLEAPIS_DIR} -I. --include_imports --include_source_info \
--descriptor_set_out=proto.pb test/proto/bookstore.proto
If you have more than one proto source files, you can pass all of them in one command.
Sample Envoy configuration
Here’s a sample Envoy configuration that proxies to a RESTful JSON server running on localhost:50051. Port 51051 proxies HTTP requests and uses the gRPC-JSON reverse transcoder filter to provide the gRPC mapping. I.e., you can make either gRPC or RESTful JSON requests to localhost:51051.
1 - filters:
2 - name:
3 typed_config:
4 "@type":
5 stat_prefix: ingress_http
6 access_log:
7 - name: envoy.access_loggers.stdout
8 typed_config:
9 "@type":
10 http_filters:
11 - name: envoy.filters.http.grpc_json_reverse_transcoder
12 typed_config:
13 "@type":
14 descriptor_path: protos/helloworld.pb
15 - name: envoy.filters.http.router
16 typed_config:
17 "@type":
18 route_config:
19 name: local_route
20 virtual_hosts:
21 - name: local_service
22 domains: ["*"]
23 routes:
24 - match:
25 prefix: "/"
26 route:
27 cluster: rest_backend