AWS Lambda

  • This filter should be configured with the type URL

  • v3 API reference


The AWS Lambda filter is currently under active development.

The HTTP AWS Lambda filter is used to trigger an AWS Lambda function from a standard HTTP request. It supports a few options to control whether to pass through the HTTP request payload as is or to wrap it in a JSON schema.

If payload_passthrough is set to true, then the payload is sent to Lambda without any transformations. Note: This means you lose access to all the HTTP headers in the Lambda function.

However, if payload_passthrough is set to false, then the HTTP request is transformed to a JSON payload with the following schema:

     "raw_path": "/path/to/resource",
     "method": "GET|POST|HEAD|...",
     "headers": {"header-key": "header-value", ... },
     "query_string_parameters": {"key": "value", ...},
     "body": "...",
     "is_base64_encoded": true|false
  • raw_path is the HTTP request resource path (including the query string)

  • method is the HTTP request method. For example GET, PUT, etc.

  • headers are the HTTP request headers. If multiple headers share the same name, their values are coalesced into a single comma-separated value.

  • query_string_parameters are the HTTP request query string parameters. If multiple parameters share the same name, the last one wins. That is, parameters are not coalesced into a single value if they share the same key name.

  • body the body of the HTTP request is base64-encoded by the filter if the content-type header exists and is not one of the following:

    • text/*

    • application/json

    • application/xml

    • application/javascript

Otherwise, the body of HTTP request is added to the JSON payload as is.

On the other end, the response of the Lambda function must conform to the following schema:

     "status_code": ...
     "headers": {"header-key": "header-value", ... },
     "cookies": ["key1=value1; HttpOnly; ...", "key2=value2; Secure; ...", ...],
     "body": "...",
     "is_base64_encoded": true|false
  • The status_code field is an integer used as the HTTP response code. If this key is missing, Envoy returns a 200 OK.

  • The headers are used as the HTTP response headers.

  • The cookies are used as Set-Cookie response headers. Unlike the request headers, cookies are _not_ part of the response headers because the Set-Cookie header cannot contain more than one value per the RFC. Therefore, each key/value pair in this JSON array will translate to a single Set-Cookie header.

  • The body is base64-decoded if it is marked as base64-encoded and sent as the body of the HTTP response.


The target cluster must have its endpoint set to the regional Lambda endpoint. Use the same region as the Lambda function.

AWS IAM credentials must be defined in either environment variables, EC2 metadata or ECS task metadata.

The filter supports per-filter configuration.

If you use the per-filter configuration, the target cluster must have the following metadata:

      egress_gateway: true

If you use the upstream filter configuration, this metadata is not required.

Below are some examples that show how the filter can be used in different deployment scenarios.

Example configuration

In this configuration, the filter applies to all routes in the filter chain of the http connection manager:

- name: envoy.filters.http.aws_lambda
    arn: "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:987654321:function:hello_envoy"
    payload_passthrough: true

The corresponding regional endpoint must be specified in the target cluster. So, for example if the Lambda function is in us-west-2:

- name: lambda_egress_gateway
  connect_timeout: 0.25s
  dns_lookup_family: V4_ONLY
  lb_policy: ROUND_ROBIN
    cluster_name: lambda_egress_gateway
    - lb_endpoints:
      - endpoint:
              port_value: 443
    name: envoy.transport_sockets.tls
      sni: "*"

The filter can also be configured per virtual-host, route or weighted-cluster. In that case, the target cluster must have specific Lambda metadata and target cluster’s endpoint should point to a region where the Lambda function is present.

- name: lambda_egress_gateway
  weight: 42
        arn: "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-1:987654321:function:hello_envoy"
        payload_passthrough: false

An example with the Lambda metadata applied to a weighted-cluster:

- name: lambda_egress_gateway
  connect_timeout: 0.25s
  dns_lookup_family: V4_ONLY
  lb_policy: ROUND_ROBIN
        egress_gateway: true
    cluster_name: lambda_egress_gateway # does this have to match? seems redundant
    - lb_endpoints:
      - endpoint:
              port_value: 443
    name: envoy.transport_sockets.tls
      sni: "*"

Configuration as an upstream HTTP filter

SigV4 or SigV4A request signatures are calculated using the HTTP host, URL and payload as input. Depending on the configuration, Envoy may modify one or more of these prior to forwarding to the Cluster subsystem, but after the signature has been calculated and inserted into the HTTP headers. Modifying fields in a SigV4 or SigV4A signed request will result in an invalid signature.

To avoid invalid signatures, the AWS Request Signing Filter can be configured as an upstream HTTP filter. This allows signatures to be calculated as a final step before the HTTP request is forwarded upstream, ensuring signatures are correctly calculated over the updated HTTP fields.

Configuring this filter as an upstream HTTP filter is done in a similar way to the downstream case, but using the http_filters filter chain within the cluster configuration.

26  clusters:
27  - name: default_service
28    load_assignment:
29      cluster_name: default_service
30      endpoints:
31      - lb_endpoints:
32        - endpoint:
33            address:
34              socket_address:
35                address:
36                port_value: 10001
37    typed_extension_protocol_options:
38      envoy.extensions.upstreams.http.v3.HttpProtocolOptions:
39        "@type":
40        upstream_http_protocol_options:
41          auto_sni: true
42          auto_san_validation: true
43        auto_config:
44          http2_protocol_options: {}
45        http_filters:
46        - name: envoy.filters.http.aws_lambda
47          typed_config:
48            "@type":
49            arn: "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:987654321:function:hello_envoy"
50            payload_passthrough: false


The filter uses a number of different credentials providers to obtain an AWS access key ID, AWS secret access key, and AWS session token. By default, it moves through the credentials providers in the order described below, stopping when one of them returns an access key ID and a secret access key (the session token is optional).

  1. inline_credentials field. If this field is configured, no other credentials providers will be used.

  2. credential_provider field. By using this field, the filter allows override of the default environment variables, credential parameters and file locations. Currently this supports both AWS credentials file locations and content, and AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity token files. If the credential_provider field is provided, it can be used either to modify the default credentials provider chain, or when custom_credential_provider_chain is set to true, to create a custom credentials provider chain containing only the specified credentials provider settings. Examples of using these fields are provided in configuration examples.

  3. Environment variables. The environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN are used.

  4. The AWS credentials file. The environment variables AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE and AWS_PROFILE are respected if they are set, else the file ~/.aws/credentials and profile default are used. The fields aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, and aws_session_token defined for the profile in the credentials file are used. These credentials are cached for 1 hour.

  5. From AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity API call towards AWS Security Token Service using WebIdentityToken read from a file pointed by AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE environment variable and role arn read from AWS_ROLE_ARN environment variable. The credentials are extracted from the fields AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, and SessionToken are used, and credentials are cached for 1 hour or until they expire (according to the field Expiration). This provider is not compatible with Grpc Credentials AWS AwsIamConfig plugin which can only support deprecated libcurl credentials fetcher (see issue #30626). To fetch the credentials a static cluster is created with the name sts_token_service_internal-<region> pointing towards regional AWS Security Token Service.


    When signing_algorithm: AWS_SIGV4A is set, the STS cluster host is determined as follows:

    • If your region` (set via profile, environment, or inline) is configured as a SigV4A region set AND contains a wildcard in the first region:

      • Standard endpoint:

      • FIPS endpoint:

    • Otherwise:

      • Uses regional endpoint: sts.<first-region>

For alternate AWS partitions (e.g. China or GovCloud) with SigV4A signing, specify the correct regional endpoint by setting your first SigV4A region without wildcards (example: cn-northwest-1)

  1. Either EC2 instance metadata, ECS task metadata or EKS Pod Identity. For EC2 instance metadata, the fields AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, and Token are used, and credentials are cached for 1 hour. For ECS task metadata, the fields AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, and Token are used, and credentials are cached for 1 hour or until they expire (according to the field Expiration). For EKS Pod Identity, The environment variable AWS_CONTAINER_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN_FILE will point to a mounted file in the container, containing the string required in the Authorization header sent to the EKS Pod Identity Agent. The fields AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, and Token are used, and credentials are cached for 1 hour or until they expire (according to the field Expiration).


    The AWS credentials provider now supports two methods for fetching credentials:

    • HTTP async client (new)

    • libcurl (legacy)

    To fetch credentials from EC2 or ECS, you must configure a static cluster pointing to the credentials provider:

    • For EC2: use cluster name ec2_instance_metadata_server_internal

    • For ECS: use cluster name ecs_task_metadata_server_internal

    These static clusters are handled automatically:

    • They are added by default if not specified in bootstrap configuration.

    • They are created even when envoy.reloadable_features.use_http_client_to_fetch_aws_credentials is disabled. This ensures the cluster configuration is ready when you enable HTTP client credential fetching later by setting the reloadable feature to true.


The following statistics are output under the aws.metadata_credentials_provider namespace:






Total credential refreshes performed by this cluster



Total credential refreshes failed by this cluster. For example, this would be incremented if a WebIdentity token was expired



Total successful credential refreshes for this cluster. Successful refresh would indicate credentials are available for signing



0 means the cluster is in initial refresh state, ie no successful credential refreshes have been performed. In 0 state the cluster will attempt credential refresh up to a maximum of once every 30 seconds. 1 means the cluster is in normal credential expiration based refresh state



Number of metadata clusters removed during CDS refresh



Number of metadata clusters replaced when CDS deletion occurs


The AWS Lambda filter outputs statistics in the http.<stat_prefix>.aws_lambda. namespace. The | stat prefix comes from the owning HTTP connection manager.






Total requests that returned invalid JSON response (see payload_passthrough)



Size in bytes of the request after JSON-transformation (if any).