Sip Proxy Route Configuration (proto)
[ proto]
"name": ...,
"routes": []
- name
(string) The name of the route configuration. Reserved for future use in asynchronous route discovery.
- routes
(repeated The list of routes that will be matched, in order, against incoming requests. The first route that matches will be used.
[ proto]
"match": {...},
"route": {...}
- match
(, REQUIRED) Route matching parameters.
- route
(, REQUIRED) Route request to some upstream cluster.
[ proto]
"domain": ...,
"header": ...,
"parameter": ...
- domain
(string, REQUIRED) The domain from Request URI or Route Header.
- header
(string) The header to get match parameter, default is “Route”.
- parameter
(string) The parameter to get domain, default is “host”.
[ proto]
"cluster": ...
- cluster
(string, REQUIRED) Indicates a single upstream cluster to which the request should be routed to.