Training available for Envoy Proxy

Getting Started with Envoy Proxy course provides an introduction to the Envoy proxy. The course explains the building blocks of Envoy architecture, filter chains, a day-in-the-life of a request, and touches on topics such as request transformations, custom processing with WebAssembly, and request routing. The course also teaches how to employ standard Envoy tools like metrics, access logging, and the Tap filter to solve real-world problems. This course also includes a certification exam and a credential offered by, that certifies that the holder has a foundation understanding of Envoy proxy.

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Tetrate Academy introduces Envoy Fundamentals, a free course that allows all beginners to train in Envoy and experts to refresh their skills. The course offers a comprehensive tour of Envoy Proxy, complete with concept explanations, labs, and quizzes. If you pass all the quizzes, you also get a completion certificate to showcase at the end.

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