Health check

Health check configuration overview.


[config.filter.http.health_check.v2.HealthCheck proto]

  "pass_through_mode": "{...}",
  "endpoint": "...",
  "cache_time": "{...}",
  "cluster_min_healthy_percentages": "{...}",
  "headers": []
(BoolValue, REQUIRED) Specifies whether the filter operates in pass through mode or not.
(string) Specifies the incoming HTTP endpoint that should be considered the health check endpoint. For example /healthcheck. Note that this field is deprecated in favor of headers.
(Duration) If operating in pass through mode, the amount of time in milliseconds that the filter should cache the upstream response.
(map<string, type.Percent>) If operating in non-pass-through mode, specifies a set of upstream cluster names and the minimum percentage of servers in each of those clusters that must be healthy in order for the filter to return a 200.
(route.HeaderMatcher) Specifies a set of health check request headers to match on. The health check filter will check a request’s headers against all the specified headers. To specify the health check endpoint, set the :path header to match on. Note that if the endpoint field is set, it will overwrite any :path header to match.