Common Expression Language (CEL) matchers (proto)


This API feature is currently work-in-progress. API features marked as work-in-progress are not considered stable, are not covered by the threat model, are not supported by the security team, and are subject to breaking changes. Do not use this feature without understanding each of the previous points.


[.xds.type.matcher.v3.CelMatcher proto]

Performs a match by evaluating a Common Expression Language (CEL) expression against the standardized set of HTTP attributes specified via HttpAttributesCelMatchInput.


The match is true, iff the result of the evaluation is a bool AND true. In all other cases, the match is false, including but not limited to: non-bool types, false, null,`` int(1)``, etc. In case CEL expression raises an error, the result of the evaluation is interpreted “no match”.

Refer to Unified Matcher API documentation for usage details.

  "expr_match": {...}

(.xds.type.v3.CelExpression, REQUIRED) Either parsed or checked representation of the CEL program.