.. _config_http_filters_jwt_authn: JWT Authentication ================== This HTTP filter can be used to verify JSON Web Token (JWT). It will verify its signature, audiences and issuer. It will also check its time restrictions, such as expiration and nbf (not before) time. If the JWT verification fails, its request will be rejected. If the JWT verification succeeds, its payload can be forwarded to the upstream for further authorization if desired. JWKS is needed to verify JWT signatures. They can be specified in the filter config or can be fetched remotely from a JWKS server. .. attention:: Only ES256 and RS256 are supported for the JWT alg. Configuration ------------- This HTTP :ref:`filter config ` has two fields: * Field *providers* specifies how a JWT should be verified, such as where to extract the token, where to fetch the public key (JWKS) and where to output its payload. * Field *rules* specifies matching rules and their requirements. If a request matches a rule, its requirement applies. The requirement specifies which JWT providers should be used. JwtProvider ~~~~~~~~~~~ :ref:`JwtProvider ` specifies how a JWT should be verified. It has the following fields: * *issuer*: the principal that issued the JWT, usually a URL or an email address. * *audiences*: a list of JWT audiences allowed to access. A JWT containing any of these audiences will be accepted. If not specified, the audiences in JWT will not be checked. * *local_jwks*: fetch JWKS in local data source, either in a local file or embedded in the inline string. * *remote_jwks*: fetch JWKS from a remote HTTP server, also specify cache duration. * *forward*: if true, JWT will be forwarded to the upstream. * *from_headers*: extract JWT from HTTP headers. * *from_params*: extract JWT from query parameters. * *forward_payload_header*: forward the JWT payload in the specified HTTP header. Default Extract Location ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If *from_headers* and *from_params* is empty, the default location to extract JWT is from HTTP header:: Authorization: Bearer If fails to extract a JWT from above header, then check query parameter key *access_token* as in this example:: /path?access_token= In the :ref:`filter config `, *providers* is a map, to map *provider_name* to a :ref:`JwtProvider `. The *provider_name* must be unique, it is referred in the `JwtRequirement ` in its *provider_name* field. .. important:: For *remote_jwks*, a **jwks_cluster** cluster is required. Due to above requirement, `OpenID Connect Discovery `_ is not supported since the URL to fetch JWKS is in the response of the discovery. It is not easy to setup a cluster config for a dynamic URL. Remote JWKS config example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml providers: provider_name1: issuer: https://example.com audiences: - bookstore_android.apps.googleusercontent.com - bookstore_web.apps.googleusercontent.com remote_jwks: http_uri: uri: https://example.com/jwks.json cluster: example_jwks_cluster cache_duration: seconds: 300 Above example fetches JWSK from a remote server with URL https://example.com/jwks.json. The token will be extracted from the default extract locations. The token will not be forwarded to upstream. JWT payload will not be added to the request header. Following cluster **example_jwks_cluster** is needed to fetch JWKS. .. code-block:: yaml cluster: name: example_jwks_cluster type: STRICT_DNS hosts: socket_address: address: example.com port_value: 80 Inline JWKS config example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another config example using inline JWKS: .. code-block:: yaml providers: provider_name2: issuer: https://example2.com local_jwks: inline_string: PUBLIC-KEY from_headers: - name: jwt-assertion forward: true forward_payload_header: x-jwt-payload Above example uses config inline string to specify JWKS. The JWT token will be extracted from HTTP headers as:: jwt-assertion: . JWT payload will be added to the request header as following format:: x-jwt-payload: base64_encoded(jwt_payload_in_JSON) RequirementRule ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :ref:`RequirementRule ` has two fields: * Field *match* specifies how a request can be matched; e.g. by HTTP headers, or by query parameters, or by path prefixes. * Field *requires* specifies the JWT requirement, e.g. which provider is required. .. important:: - **If a request matches multiple rules, the first matched rule will apply**. - If the matched rule has empty *requires* field, **JWT verification is not required**. - If a request doesn't match any rules, **JWT verification is not required**. Single requirement config example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml providers: jwt_provider1: issuer: https://example.com audiences: audience1 local_jwks: inline_string: PUBLIC-KEY rules: - match: prefix: /health - match: prefix: /api requires: provider_and_audiences: provider_name: jwt_provider1 audiences: api_audience - match: prefix: / requires: provider_name: jwt_provider1 Above config uses single requirement rule, each rule may have either an empty requirement or a single requirement with one provider name. Group requirement config example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: yaml providers: provider1: issuer: https://provider1.com local_jwks: inline_string: PUBLIC-KEY provider2: issuer: https://provider2.com local_jwks: inline_string: PUBLIC-KEY rules: - match: prefix: /any requires: requires_any: requirements: - provider_name: provider1 - provider_name: provider2 - match: prefix: /all requires: requires_all: requirements: - provider_name: provider1 - provider_name: provider2 Above config uses more complex *group* requirements: * The first *rule* specifies *requires_any*; if any of **provider1** or **provider2** requirement is satisfied, the request is OK to proceed. * The second *rule* specifies *requires_all*; only if both **provider1** and **provider2** requirements are satisfied, the request is OK to proceed.