.. _config_cluster_manager_cluster_runtime: Runtime ======= Upstream clusters support the following runtime settings: Active health checking ---------------------- health_check.min_interval Min value for the health checking :ref:`interval `. Default value is 0. The health checking interval will be between *min_interval* and *max_interval*. health_check.max_interval Max value for the health checking :ref:`interval `. Default value is MAX_INT. The health checking interval will be between *min_interval* and *max_interval*. health_check.verify_cluster What % of health check requests will be verified against the :ref:`expected upstream service ` as the :ref:`health check filter ` will write the remote service cluster into the response. .. _config_cluster_manager_cluster_runtime_outlier_detection: Outlier detection ----------------- See the outlier detection :ref:`architecture overview ` for more information on outlier detection. The runtime parameters supported by outlier detection are the same as the :ref:`static configuration parameters `, namely: outlier_detection.consecutive_5xx :ref:`consecutive_5XX ` setting in outlier detection outlier_detection.consecutive_gateway_failure :ref:`consecutive_gateway_failure ` setting in outlier detection outlier_detection.interval_ms :ref:`interval_ms ` setting in outlier detection outlier_detection.base_ejection_time_ms :ref:`base_ejection_time_ms ` setting in outlier detection outlier_detection.max_ejection_percent :ref:`max_ejection_percent ` setting in outlier detection outlier_detection.enforcing_consecutive_5xx :ref:`enforcing_consecutive_5xx ` setting in outlier detection outlier_detection.enforcing_consecutive_gateway_failure :ref:`enforcing_consecutive_gateway_failure ` setting in outlier detection outlier_detection.enforcing_success_rate :ref:`enforcing_success_rate ` setting in outlier detection outlier_detection.success_rate_minimum_hosts :ref:`success_rate_minimum_hosts ` setting in outlier detection outlier_detection.success_rate_request_volume :ref:`success_rate_request_volume ` setting in outlier detection outlier_detection.success_rate_stdev_factor :ref:`success_rate_stdev_factor ` setting in outlier detection Core ---- upstream.healthy_panic_threshold Sets the :ref:`panic threshold ` percentage. Defaults to 50%. upstream.use_http2 Whether the cluster utilizes the *http2* :ref:`protocol options ` if configured. Set to 0 to disable HTTP/2 even if the feature is configured. Defaults to enabled. .. _config_cluster_manager_cluster_runtime_zone_routing: Zone aware load balancing ------------------------- upstream.zone_routing.enabled % of requests that will be routed to the same upstream zone. Defaults to 100% of requests. upstream.zone_routing.min_cluster_size Minimal size of the upstream cluster for which zone aware routing can be attempted. Default value is 6. If the upstream cluster size is smaller than *min_cluster_size* zone aware routing will not be performed. Circuit breaking ---------------- circuit_breakers...max_connections :ref:`Max connections circuit breaker setting ` circuit_breakers...max_pending_requests :ref:`Max pending requests circuit breaker setting ` circuit_breakers...max_requests :ref:`Max requests circuit breaker setting ` circuit_breakers...max_retries :ref:`Max retries circuit breaker setting `