.. _config_network_filters_rate_limit_v1: Rate limit ========== Rate limit :ref:`configuration overview `. .. code-block:: json { "name": "ratelimit", "config": { "stat_prefix": "...", "domain": "...", "descriptors": [], "timeout_ms": "..." } } stat_prefix *(required, string)* The prefix to use when emitting :ref:`statistics `. domain *(required, string)* The rate limit domain to use in the rate limit service request. descriptors *(required, array)* The rate limit descriptor list to use in the rate limit service request. The descriptors are specified as in the following example: .. code-block:: json [ [{"key": "hello", "value": "world"}, {"key": "foo", "value": "bar"}], [{"key": "foo2", "value": "bar2"}] ] timeout_ms *(optional, integer)* The timeout in milliseconds for the rate limit service RPC. If not set, this defaults to 20ms.