.. _config_http_filters_gzip: Gzip ==== Gzip is an HTTP filter which enables Envoy to compress dispatched data from an upstream service upon client request. Compression is useful in situations where large payloads need to be transmitted without compromising the response time. Configuration ------------- * :ref:`v2 API reference ` .. attention:: The *window bits* is a number that tells the compressor how far ahead in the text the algorithm should be looking for repeated sequence of characters. Due to a known bug in the underlying zlib library, *window bits* with value eight does not work as expected. Therefore any number below that will be automatically set to 9. This issue might be solved in future releases of the library. How it works ------------ When gzip filter is enabled, request and response headers are inspected to determine whether or not the content should be compressed. The content is compressed and then sent to the client with the appropriate headers if either response and request allow. By *default* compression will be *skipped* when: - A request does NOT contain *accept-encoding* header. - A request includes *accept-encoding* header, but it does not contain "gzip". - A response contains a *content-encoding* header. - A Response contains a *cache-control* header whose value includes "no-transform". - A response contains a *transfer-encoding* header whose value includes "gzip". - A response does not contain a *content-type* value that matches one of the selected mime-types, which default to *application/javascript*, *application/json*, *application/xhtml+xml*, *image/svg+xml*, *text/css*, *text/html*, *text/plain*, *text/xml*. - Neither *content-length* nor *transfer-encoding* headers are present in the response. - Response size is smaller than 30 bytes (only applicable when *transfer-encoding* is not chuncked). When compression is *applied*: - The *content-length* is removed from response headers. - Response headers contain "*transfer-encoding: chunked*" and "*content-encoding: gzip*". - The "*vary: accept-encoding*" header is inserted on every response.