.. _envoy_api_file_envoy/config/filter/http/rate_limit/v2/rate_limit.proto: Rate limit ========== Rate limit :ref:`configuration overview `. .. _envoy_api_msg_config.filter.http.rate_limit.v2.RateLimit: config.filter.http.rate_limit.v2.RateLimit ------------------------------------------ `[config.filter.http.rate_limit.v2.RateLimit proto] `_ .. code-block:: json { "domain": "...", "stage": "...", "request_type": "...", "timeout": "{...}" } .. _envoy_api_field_config.filter.http.rate_limit.v2.RateLimit.domain: domain (`string `_, *REQUIRED*) The rate limit domain to use when calling the rate limit service. .. _envoy_api_field_config.filter.http.rate_limit.v2.RateLimit.stage: stage (`uint32 `_) Specifies the rate limit configurations to be applied with the same stage number. If not set, the default stage number is 0. .. note:: The filter supports a range of 0 - 10 inclusively for stage numbers. .. _envoy_api_field_config.filter.http.rate_limit.v2.RateLimit.request_type: request_type (`string `_) The type of requests the filter should apply to. The supported types are *internal*, *external* or *both*. A request is considered internal if :ref:`x-envoy-internal` is set to true. If :ref:`x-envoy-internal` is not set or false, a request is considered external. The filter defaults to *both*, and it will apply to all request types. .. _envoy_api_field_config.filter.http.rate_limit.v2.RateLimit.timeout: timeout (`Duration `_) The timeout in milliseconds for the rate limit service RPC. If not set, this defaults to 20ms.