.. _version_history_1.29.3: 1.29.3 (April 4, 2024) ======================= Incompatible behavior changes ----------------------------- *Changes that are expected to cause an incompatibility if applicable; deployment changes are likely required* * **http**: Remove the hop by hop TE header from downstream request headers if it's not set to ``trailers``, else keep it. This change can be temporarily reverted by setting ``envoy.reloadable_features.sanitize_te`` to false. Minor behavior changes ---------------------- *Changes that may cause incompatibilities for some users, but should not for most* * **http2**: Simplifies integration with the codec by removing translation between nghttp2 callbacks and Http2VisitorInterface events. Guarded by ``envoy.reloadable_features.http2_skip_callback_visitor``. Bug fixes --------- *Changes expected to improve the state of the world and are unlikely to have negative effects* * **http2**: Update nghttp2 to resolve (CVE-2024-30255 https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/security/advisories/GHSA-j654-3ccm-vfmm).