.. _config_http_filters_lua: Lua === Overview -------- The HTTP Lua filter allows `Lua `_ scripts to be run during both the request and response flows. `LuaJIT `_ is used as the runtime. Because of this, the supported Lua version is mostly 5.1 with some 5.2 features. See the `LuaJIT documentation `_ for more details. The design of the filter and Lua support at a high level is as follows: * All Lua environments are :ref:`per worker thread `. This means that there is no truly global data. Any globals created and populated at load time will be visible from each worker thread in isolation. True global support may be added via an API in the future. * All scripts are run as coroutines. This means that they are written in a synchronous style even though they may perform complex asynchronous tasks. This makes the scripts substantially easier to write. All network/async processing is performed by Envoy via a set of APIs. Envoy will suspend execution of the script as appropriate and resume it when async tasks are complete. * **Do not perform blocking operations from scripts.** It is critical for performance that Envoy APIs are used for all IO. Currently supported high level features --------------------------------------- .. note:: It is expected that this list will expand over time as the filter is used in production. The API surface has been kept small on purpose. The goal is to make scripts extremely simple and safe to write. Very complex or high performance use cases are assumed to use the native C++ filter API. * Inspection of headers, body, and trailers while streaming in either the request flow, response flow, or both. * Modification of headers and trailers. * Blocking and buffering the full request/response body for inspection. * Performing an outbound async HTTP call to an upstream host. Such a call can be performed while buffering body data so that when the call completes upstream headers can be modified. * Performing a direct response and skipping further filter iteration. For example, a script could make an upstream HTTP call for authentication, and then directly respond with a 403 response code. Configuration ------------- * This filter should be configured with the type URL ``type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.lua.v3.Lua``. * :ref:`v3 API reference ` A simple example of configuring Lua HTTP filter that contains only :ref:`default source code ` is as follow: .. code-block:: yaml name: envoy.filters.http.lua typed_config: "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.lua.v3.Lua default_source_code: inline_string: | -- Called on the request path. function envoy_on_request(request_handle) -- Do something. end -- Called on the response path. function envoy_on_response(response_handle) -- Do something. end By default, Lua script defined in ``default_source_code`` will be treated as a ``default`` script. Envoy will execute it for every HTTP request. This ``default`` script is optional. Per-Route Configuration ----------------------- The Lua HTTP filter also can be disabled or overridden on a per-route basis by providing a :ref:`LuaPerRoute ` configuration on the virtual host, route, or weighted cluster. LuaPerRoute provides two ways of overriding the ``default`` Lua script: * By providing a name reference to the defined :ref:`named Lua source codes map `. * By providing inline :ref:`source code ` (This allows the code to be sent through RDS). As a concrete example, given the following Lua filter configuration: .. code-block:: yaml name: envoy.filters.http.lua typed_config: "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.lua.v3.Lua default_source_code: inline_string: function envoy_on_request(request_handle) -- do something end source_codes: hello.lua: inline_string: | function envoy_on_request(request_handle) request_handle:logInfo("Hello World.") end bye.lua: inline_string: | function envoy_on_response(response_handle) response_handle:logInfo("Bye Bye.") end The HTTP Lua filter can be disabled on some virtual host, route, or weighted cluster by the :ref:`LuaPerRoute ` configuration as follow: .. code-block:: yaml typed_per_filter_config: envoy.filters.http.lua: "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.lua.v3.LuaPerRoute disabled: true We can also refer to a Lua script in the filter configuration by specifying a name in LuaPerRoute. The ``default`` Lua script will be overridden by the referenced script: .. code-block:: yaml typed_per_filter_config: envoy.filters.http.lua: "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.lua.v3.LuaPerRoute name: hello.lua Or we can define a new Lua script in the LuaPerRoute configuration directly to override the ``default`` Lua script as follows: .. code-block:: yaml typed_per_filter_config: envoy.filters.http.lua: "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.lua.v3.LuaPerRoute source_code: inline_string: | function envoy_on_response(response_handle) response_handle:logInfo("Goodbye.") end Statistics ---------- .. _config_http_filters_lua_stats: The lua filter outputs statistics in the ``.lua.`` namespace by default. When there are multiple lua filters configured in a filter chain, stats from individual filter instance/script can be tracked by providing a per filter :ref:`stat prefix `. .. csv-table:: :header: Name, Type, Description :widths: 1, 1, 2 error, Counter, Total script execution errors. Script examples --------------- This section provides some concrete examples of Lua scripts as a more gentle introduction and quick start. Please refer to the :ref:`stream handle API ` for more details on the supported API. .. code-block:: lua -- Called on the request path. function envoy_on_request(request_handle) -- Wait for the entire request body and add a request header with the body size. request_handle:headers():add("request_body_size", request_handle:body():length()) end -- Called on the response path. function envoy_on_response(response_handle) -- Wait for the entire response body and add a response header with the body size. response_handle:headers():add("response_body_size", response_handle:body():length()) -- Remove a response header named 'foo' response_handle:headers():remove("foo") end .. code-block:: lua function envoy_on_request(request_handle) -- Make an HTTP call to an upstream host with the following headers, body, and timeout. local headers, body = request_handle:httpCall( "lua_cluster", { [":method"] = "POST", [":path"] = "/", [":authority"] = "lua_cluster" }, "hello world", 5000) -- Add information from the HTTP call into the headers that are about to be sent to the next -- filter in the filter chain. request_handle:headers():add("upstream_foo", headers["foo"]) request_handle:headers():add("upstream_body_size", #body) end .. code-block:: lua function envoy_on_request(request_handle) -- Make an HTTP call. local headers, body = request_handle:httpCall( "lua_cluster", { [":method"] = "POST", [":path"] = "/", [":authority"] = "lua_cluster", ["set-cookie"] = { "lang=lua; Path=/", "type=binding; Path=/" } }, "hello world", 5000) -- Response directly and set a header from the HTTP call. No further filter iteration -- occurs. request_handle:respond( {[":status"] = "403", ["upstream_foo"] = headers["foo"]}, "nope") end .. code-block:: lua function envoy_on_request(request_handle) -- Log information about the request request_handle:logInfo("Authority: "..request_handle:headers():get(":authority")) request_handle:logInfo("Method: "..request_handle:headers():get(":method")) request_handle:logInfo("Path: "..request_handle:headers():get(":path")) end function envoy_on_response(response_handle) -- Log response status code response_handle:logInfo("Status: "..response_handle:headers():get(":status")) end A common use-case is to rewrite upstream response body, for example: an upstream sends non-2xx response with JSON data, but the application requires HTML page to be sent to browsers. There are two ways of doing this, the first one is via the ``body()`` API. .. code-block:: lua function envoy_on_response(response_handle) response_handle:body():setBytes("Not Found") response_handle:headers():replace("content-type", "text/html") end Or, through ``bodyChunks()`` API, which let Envoy to skip buffering the upstream response data. .. code-block:: lua function envoy_on_response(response_handle) -- Sets the content-type. response_handle:headers():replace("content-type", "text/html") local last for chunk in response_handle:bodyChunks() do -- Clears each received chunk. chunk:setBytes("") last = chunk end last:setBytes("Not Found") end .. _config_http_filters_lua_stream_handle_api: Complete example ---------------- A complete example using Docker is available in :repo:`/examples/lua`. Stream handle API ----------------- When Envoy loads the script in the configuration, it looks for two global functions that the script defines: .. code-block:: lua function envoy_on_request(request_handle) end function envoy_on_response(response_handle) end A script can define either or both of these functions. During the request path, Envoy will run *envoy_on_request* as a coroutine, passing a handle to the request API. During the response path, Envoy will run *envoy_on_response* as a coroutine, passing handle to the response API. .. attention:: It is critical that all interaction with Envoy occur through the passed stream handle. The stream handle should not be assigned to any global variable and should not be used outside of the coroutine. Envoy will fail your script if the handle is used incorrectly. The following methods on the stream handle are supported: headers() ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local headers = handle:headers() Returns the stream's headers. The headers can be modified as long as they have not been sent to the next filter in the header chain. For example, they can be modified after an *httpCall()* or after a *body()* call returns. The script will fail if the headers are modified in any other situation. Returns a :ref:`header object `. body() ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local body = handle:body(always_wrap_body) Returns the stream's body. This call will cause Envoy to suspend execution of the script until the entire body has been received in a buffer. Note that all buffering must adhere to the flow-control policies in place. Envoy will not buffer more data than is allowed by the connection manager. An optional boolean argument ``always_wrap_body`` can be used to require Envoy always returns a ``body`` object even if the body is empty. Therefore we can modify the body regardless of whether the original body exists or not. Returns a :ref:`buffer object `. bodyChunks() ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local iterator = handle:bodyChunks() Returns an iterator that can be used to iterate through all received body chunks as they arrive. Envoy will suspend executing the script in between chunks, but *will not buffer* them. This can be used by a script to inspect data as it is streaming by. .. code-block:: lua for chunk in request_handle:bodyChunks() do request_handle:log(0, chunk:length()) end Each chunk the iterator returns is a :ref:`buffer object `. trailers() ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local trailers = handle:trailers() Returns the stream's trailers. May return nil if there are no trailers. The trailers may be modified before they are sent to the next filter. Returns a :ref:`header object `. log*() ^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua handle:logTrace(message) handle:logDebug(message) handle:logInfo(message) handle:logWarn(message) handle:logErr(message) handle:logCritical(message) Logs a message using Envoy's application logging. *message* is a string to log. httpCall() ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local headers, body = handle:httpCall(cluster, headers, body, timeout_ms, asynchronous) -- Alternative function signature. local headers, body = handle:httpCall(cluster, headers, body, options) Makes an HTTP call to an upstream host. *cluster* is a string which maps to a configured cluster manager cluster. *headers* is a table of key/value pairs to send (the value can be a string or table of strings). Note that the *:method*, *:path*, and *:authority* headers must be set. *body* is an optional string of body data to send. *timeout_ms* is an integer that specifies the call timeout in milliseconds. *asynchronous* is a boolean flag. If async is set to true, Envoy will make the HTTP request and continue, regardless of the response success or failure. If this is set to false, or not set, Envoy will suspend executing the script until the call completes or has an error. Returns *headers* which is a table of response headers. Returns *body* which is the string response body. May be nil if there is no body. The alternative function signature allows caller to specify *options* as a table. Currently, the supported keys are: - *asynchronous* is a boolean flag that controls the asynchronicity of the HTTP call. It refers to the same *asynchronous* flag as the first function signature. - *timeout_ms* is an integer that specifies the call timeout in milliseconds. It refers to the same *timeout_ms* argument as the first function signature. - *trace_sampled* is a boolean flag that decides whether the produced trace span will be sampled or not. - *return_duplicate_headers* is boolean flag that decides whether the repeated headers are allowed in response headers. If the *return_duplicate_headers* is set to false (default), the returned *headers* is table with value type of string. If the *return_duplicate_headers* is set to true, the returned *headers* is table with value type of string or value type of table. - *send_xff* is a boolean flag that decides whether the *x-forwarded-for* header is sent to target server. The default value is true. For example, the following upstream response headers have repeated headers. .. code-block:: none { { ":status", "200" }, { "foo", "bar" }, { "key", "value_0" }, { "key", "value_1" }, { "key", "value_2" }, } Then if *return_duplicate_headers* is set to false, the returned headers will be: .. code-block:: lua { [":status"] = "200", ["foo"] = "bar", ["key"] = "value_2", } If *return_duplicate_headers* is set to true, the returned *headers* will be: .. code-block:: lua { [":status"] = "200", ["foo"] = "bar", ["key"] = { "value_0", "value_1", "value_2" }, } Some examples of specifying *options* are shown below: .. code-block:: lua -- Create a fire-and-forget HTTP call. local request_options = {["asynchronous"] = true} -- Create a synchronous HTTP call with 1000 ms timeout. local request_options = {["timeout_ms"] = 1000} -- Create a synchronous HTTP call, but do not sample the trace span. local request_options = {["trace_sampled"] = false} -- The same as above, but explicitly set the "asynchronous" flag to false. local request_options = {["asynchronous"] = false, ["trace_sampled"] = false } -- The same as above, but with 1000 ms timeout. local request_options = {["asynchronous"] = false, ["trace_sampled"] = false, ["timeout_ms"] = 1000 } respond() ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua handle:respond(headers, body) Respond immediately and do not continue further filter iteration. This call is *only valid in the request flow*. Additionally, a response is only possible if the request headers have not yet been passed to subsequent filters. Meaning, the following Lua code is invalid: .. code-block:: lua function envoy_on_request(request_handle) for chunk in request_handle:bodyChunks() do request_handle:respond( {[":status"] = "100"}, "nope") end end *headers* is a table of key/value pairs to send (the value can be a string or table of strings). Note that the *:status* header must be set. *body* is a string and supplies the optional response body. May be nil. metadata() ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local metadata = handle:metadata() Returns the current route entry metadata. Note that the metadata should be specified under the filter name i.e. *envoy.filters.http.lua*. Below is an example of a *metadata* in a :ref:`route entry `. .. code-block:: yaml metadata: filter_metadata: envoy.filters.http.lua: foo: bar baz: - bad - baz Returns a :ref:`metadata object `. streamInfo() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local streamInfo = handle:streamInfo() Returns :repo:`information ` related to the current request. Returns a :ref:`stream info object `. connection() ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local connection = handle:connection() Returns the current request's underlying :repo:`connection `. Returns a :ref:`connection object `. importPublicKey() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local pubkey = handle:importPublicKey(keyder, keyderLength) Returns public key which is used by :ref:`verifySignature ` to verify digital signature. .. _verify_signature: verifySignature() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local ok, error = handle:verifySignature(hashFunction, pubkey, signature, signatureLength, data, dataLength) Verify signature using provided parameters. *hashFunction* is the variable for the hash function which be used for verifying signature. *SHA1*, *SHA224*, *SHA256*, *SHA384* and *SHA512* are supported. *pubkey* is the public key. *signature* is the signature to be verified. *signatureLength* is the length of the signature. *data* is the content which will be hashed. *dataLength* is the length of data. The function returns a pair. If the first element is *true*, the second element will be empty which means signature is verified; otherwise, the second element will store the error message. .. _config_http_filters_lua_stream_handle_api_base64_escape: base64Escape() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local base64_encoded = handle:base64Escape("input string") Encodes the input string as base64. This can be useful for escaping binary data. timestamp() ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua timestamp = handle:timestamp(format) High resolution timestamp function. *format* is an optional enum parameter to indicate the format of the timestamp. *EnvoyTimestampResolution.MILLISECOND* is supported The function returns timestamp in milliseconds since epoch by default if format is not set. .. _config_http_filters_lua_stream_handle_api_timestamp_string: timestampString() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua timestamp = handle:timestampString(resolution) Timestamp function. Timestamp is returned as a string. It represents the integer value of the selected resolution since epoch. *resolution* is an optional enum parameter to indicate the resolution of the timestamp. Supported resolutions are *EnvoyTimestampResolution.MILLISECOND* and *EnvoyTimestampResolution.MICROSECOND*. Default resolution is millisecond if *resolution* is not set. .. _config_http_filters_lua_header_wrapper: Header object API ----------------- add() ^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua headers:add(key, value) Adds a header. *key* is a string that supplies the header key. *value* is a string that supplies the header value. get() ^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua headers:get(key) Gets a header. *key* is a string that supplies the header key. Returns a string that is the header value or nil if there is no such header. If there are multiple headers in the same case-insensitive key, their values will be combined with a *,* separator and returned as a string. getAtIndex() ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua headers:getAtIndex(key, index) Gets the header value at the given index. It can be used to fetch a specific value in case the given header has multiple values. *key* is a string that supplies the header key and index is an integer that supplies the position. It returns a string that is the header value or nil if there is no such header or if there is no value at the specified index. getNumValues() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua headers:getNumValues(key) Gets the number of values of a given header. It can be used to fetch the total number of values in case the given header has multiple values. *key* is a string that supplies the header key. It returns an integer with the value size for the given header or *0* if there is no such header. __pairs() ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua for key, value in pairs(headers) do end Iterates through every header. *key* is a string that supplies the header key. *value* is a string that supplies the header value. .. attention:: In the current implementation, headers cannot be modified during iteration. Additionally, if it is necessary to modify headers after an iteration, the iteration must first be completed. This means that ``break`` or any other way to exit the loop early must not be used. This may be more flexible in the future. remove() ^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua headers:remove(key) Removes a header. *key* supplies the header key to remove. replace() ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua headers:replace(key, value) Replaces a header. *key* is a string that supplies the header key. *value* is a string that supplies the header value. If the header does not exist, it is added as per the *add()* function. setHttp1ReasonPhrase() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua headers:setHttp1ReasonPhrase(reasonPhrase) Sets a custom HTTP/1 response reason phrase. This call is *only valid in the response flow*. *reasonPhrase* is a string that supplies the reason phrase value. Additionally this call only effects HTTP/1 connections. It will have no effect if the client is HTTP/2 or HTTP/3. .. _config_http_filters_lua_buffer_wrapper: Buffer API ---------- length() ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local size = buffer:length() Gets the size of the buffer in bytes. Returns an integer. getBytes() ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua buffer:getBytes(index, length) Get bytes from the buffer. By default Envoy will not copy all buffer bytes to Lua. This will cause a buffer segment to be copied. *index* is an integer and supplies the buffer start index to copy. *length* is an integer and supplies the buffer length to copy. *index* + *length* must be less than the buffer length. .. _config_http_filters_lua_buffer_wrapper_api_set_bytes: setBytes() ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua buffer:setBytes(string) Set the content of wrapped buffer with the input string. .. _config_http_filters_lua_metadata_wrapper: Metadata object API ------------------- get() ^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua metadata:get(key) Gets a metadata. *key* is a string that supplies the metadata key. Returns the corresponding value of the given metadata key. The type of the value can be: *nil*, *boolean*, *number*, *string* and *table*. __pairs() ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua for key, value in pairs(metadata) do end Iterates through every *metadata* entry. *key* is a string that supplies a *metadata* key. *value* is a *metadata* entry value. .. _config_http_filters_lua_stream_info_wrapper: Stream info object API ----------------------- protocol() ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua streamInfo:protocol() Returns the string representation of :repo:`HTTP protocol ` used by the current request. The possible values are: ``HTTP/1.0``, ``HTTP/1.1``, ``HTTP/2`` and ``HTTP/3*``. downstreamLocalAddress() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua streamInfo:downstreamLocalAddress() Returns the string representation of :repo:`downstream local address ` used by the current request. .. _config_http_filters_lua_stream_info_downstream_direct_remote_address: downstreamDirectRemoteAddress() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua streamInfo:downstreamDirectRemoteAddress() Returns the string representation of :repo:`downstream directly connected address ` used by the current request. This is equivalent to the address of the physical connection. .. _config_http_filters_lua_stream_info_downstream_remote_address: downstreamRemoteAddress() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua streamInfo:downstreamRemoteAddress() Returns the string representation of the downstream remote address for the current request. This may differ from :ref:`downstreamDirectRemoteAddress() ` depending upon the setting of :ref:`xff_num_trusted_hops `. dynamicMetadata() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua streamInfo:dynamicMetadata() Returns a :ref:`dynamic metadata object `. downstreamSslConnection() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua streamInfo:downstreamSslConnection() Returns :repo:`information ` related to the current SSL connection. Returns a downstream :ref:`SSL connection info object `. .. _config_http_filters_lua_stream_info_dynamic_metadata_wrapper: requestedServerName() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua streamInfo:requestedServerName() Returns the string representation of :repo:`requested server name ` (e.g. SNI in TLS) for the current request if present. Dynamic metadata object API --------------------------- get() ^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua dynamicMetadata:get(filterName) -- to get a value from a returned table. dynamicMetadata:get(filterName)[key] Gets an entry in dynamic metadata struct. *filterName* is a string that supplies the filter name, e.g. *envoy.lb*. Returns the corresponding *table* of a given *filterName*. set() ^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua dynamicMetadata:set(filterName, key, value) Sets key-value pair of a *filterName*'s metadata. *filterName* is a key specifying the target filter name, e.g. *envoy.lb*. The type of *key* is *string*. The type of *value* is any Lua type that can be mapped to a metadata value: *table*, *numeric*, *boolean*, *string* or *nil*. When using a *table* as an argument, its keys can only be *string* or *numeric*. .. code-block:: lua function envoy_on_request(request_handle) local headers = request_handle:headers() request_handle:streamInfo():dynamicMetadata():set("envoy.filters.http.lua", "request.info", { auth = headers:get("authorization"), token = headers:get("x-request-token"), }) end function envoy_on_response(response_handle) local meta = response_handle:streamInfo():dynamicMetadata():get("envoy.filters.http.lua")["request.info"] response_handle:logInfo("Auth: "..meta.auth..", token: "..meta.token) end __pairs() ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua for key, value in pairs(dynamicMetadata) do end Iterates through every *dynamicMetadata* entry. *key* is a string that supplies a *dynamicMetadata* key. *value* is a *dynamicMetadata* entry value. .. _config_http_filters_lua_connection_wrapper: Connection object API --------------------- ssl() ^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua if connection:ssl() == nil then print("plain") else print("secure") end Returns :repo:`SSL connection ` object when the connection is secured and *nil* when it is not. Returns an :ref:`SSL connection info object `. .. _config_http_filters_lua_ssl_socket_info: SSL connection object API ------------------------- peerCertificatePresented() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua if downstreamSslConnection:peerCertificatePresented() then print("peer certificate is presented") end Returns a bool representing whether the peer certificate is presented. peerCertificateValidated() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua if downstreamSslConnection:peerCertificateValidated() then print("peer certificate is validated") end Returns bool whether the peer certificate was validated. .. warning:: Client certificate validation is not currently performed upon TLS session resumption. For a resumed TLS session this method will return false, regardless of whether the peer certificate is valid. The only known workaround for this issue is to disable TLS session resumption entirely, by setting both :ref:`disable_stateless_session_resumption ` and :ref:`disable_stateful_session_resumption ` on the DownstreamTlsContext. uriSanLocalCertificate() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua -- For example, uriSanLocalCertificate contains {"san1", "san2"} local certs = downstreamSslConnection:uriSanLocalCertificate() -- The following prints san1,san2 handle:logTrace(table.concat(certs, ",")) Returns the URIs (as a table) in the SAN field of the local certificate. Returns an empty table if there is no local certificate, or no SAN field, or no URI SAN entries. sha256PeerCertificateDigest() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:sha256PeerCertificateDigest() Returns the SHA256 digest of the peer certificate. Returns ``""`` if there is no peer certificate which can happen in TLS (non-mTLS) connections. serialNumberPeerCertificate() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:serialNumberPeerCertificate() Returns the serial number field of the peer certificate. Returns ``""`` if there is no peer certificate, or no serial number. issuerPeerCertificate() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:issuerPeerCertificate() Returns the issuer field of the peer certificate in RFC 2253 format. Returns ``""`` if there is no peer certificate, or no issuer. subjectPeerCertificate() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:subjectPeerCertificate() Return the subject field of the peer certificate in RFC 2253 format. Returns ``""`` if there is no peer certificate, or no subject. uriSanPeerCertificate() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:uriSanPeerCertificate() Returns the URIs (as a table) in the SAN field of the peer certificate. Returns an empty table if there is no peer certificate, or no SAN field, or no URI SAN entries. subjectLocalCertificate() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:subjectLocalCertificate() Returns the subject field of the local certificate in RFC 2253 format. Returns ``""`` if there is no local certificate, or no subject. urlEncodedPemEncodedPeerCertificate() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:urlEncodedPemEncodedPeerCertificate() Returns the URL-encoded PEM-encoded representation of the peer certificate. Returns ``""`` if there is no peer certificate or encoding fails. urlEncodedPemEncodedPeerCertificateChain() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:urlEncodedPemEncodedPeerCertificateChain() Returns the URL-encoded PEM-encoded representation of the full peer certificate chain including the leaf certificate. Returns ``""`` if there is no peer certificate or encoding fails. dnsSansPeerCertificate() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:dnsSansPeerCertificate() Returns the DNS entries (as a table) in the SAN field of the peer certificate. Returns an empty table if there is no peer certificate, or no SAN field, or no DNS SAN entries. dnsSansLocalCertificate() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:dnsSansLocalCertificate() Returns the DNS entries (as a table) in the SAN field of the local certificate. Returns an empty table if there is no local certificate, or no SAN field, or no DNS SAN entries. validFromPeerCertificate() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:validFromPeerCertificate() Returns the time (timestamp-since-epoch in seconds) that the peer certificate was issued and should be considered valid from. Returns ``0`` if there is no peer certificate. In Lua, we usually use ``os.time(os.date("!*t"))`` to get current timestamp-since-epoch in seconds. expirationPeerCertificate() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:validFromPeerCertificate() Returns the time (timestamp-since-epoch in seconds) that the peer certificate expires and should not be considered valid after. Returns ``0`` if there is no peer certificate. In Lua, we usually use ``os.time(os.date("!*t"))`` to get current timestamp-since-epoch in seconds. sessionId() ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:sessionId() Returns the hex-encoded TLS session ID as defined in RFC 5246. ciphersuiteId() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:ciphersuiteId() Returns the standard ID (hex-encoded) for the ciphers used in the established TLS connection. Returns ``"0xffff"`` if there is no current negotiated ciphersuite. ciphersuiteString() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:ciphersuiteString() Returns the OpenSSL name for the set of ciphers used in the established TLS connection. Returns ``""`` if there is no current negotiated ciphersuite. tlsVersion() ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua downstreamSslConnection:tlsVersion() Returns the TLS version (e.g., TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3) used in the established TLS connection.