.. _version_history_1.27.3: 1.27.3 (February 9, 2024) ========================== Minor behavior changes ---------------------- *Changes that may cause incompatibilities for some users, but should not for most* * **access_log**: When emitting grpc logs, only downstream filter state was used. Now, both downstream and upstream filter states will be tried to find the keys configured in filter_state_objects_to_log. Bug fixes --------- *Changes expected to improve the state of the world and are unlikely to have negative effects* * **buffer**: Fixed a bug (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/28760) that the internal listener causes an undefined behavior due to the unintended release of the buffer memory. * **grpc**: Fixed a bug in gRPC async client cache which intermittently causes CPU spikes due to busy loop in timer expiration. * **http**: Fixed crash when HTTP request idle and per try timeouts occurs within backoff interval. * **http**: Fixed recursion when HTTP connection is disconnected due to a high number of premature resets. * **proxy protocol**: fixed a crash when Envoy is configured for PROXY protocol on both a listener and cluster, and the listener receives a PROXY protocol header with address type LOCAL (typically used for health checks). * **proxy_protocol**: Fix crash due to uncaught exception when the operating system does not support an address type (such as IPv6) that is received in a proxy protocol header. Connections will instead be dropped/reset. * **proxy_protocol**: Fixed a bug where TLVs with non utf8 characters were inserted as protobuf values into filter metadata circumventing ext_authz checks when ``failure_mode_allow`` is set to ``true``. * **tls**: Fix crash due to uncaught exception when the operating system does not support an address type (such as IPv6) that is received in an mTLS client cert IP SAN. These SANs will be ignored. This applies only when using formatter ``%DOWNSTREAM_PEER_IP_SAN%``. * **tracing**: Fixed a bug that caused the Datadog tracing extension to drop traces that should be kept on account of an extracted sampling decision. * **tracing**: Fixed a bug where Datadog spans tagged as errors would not have the appropriate error property set. * **tracing**: Fixed a bug where child spans produced by the Datadog tracer would have an incorrect operation name. * **url matching**: Fixed excessive CPU utilization when using regex URL template matcher.