.. _version_history_1.5.0: 1.5.0 (December 4, 2017) ========================= Changes ------- * **access log**: added fields for :ref:`UPSTREAM_LOCAL_ADDRESS and DOWNSTREAM_ADDRESS `. * **admin**: added :ref:`JSON output ` for stats admin endpoint. * **admin**: added ``version_info`` to the :ref:`/clusters admin endpoint `. * **admin**: added basic :ref:`Prometheus output ` for stats admin endpoint. Histograms are not currently output. * **config**: added --v2-config-only CLI flag. * **config**: the :ref:`v2 API ` is now considered production ready. * **cors**: added :ref:`CORS filter `. * **envoy**: Many small bug fixes and performance improvements not listed. * **health check**: added :ref:`reuse_connection ` option. * **health check**: added :ref:`x-envoy-immediate-health-check-fail ` header support. * **http**: added :ref:`per-listener stats `. * **http**: end-to-end HTTP flow control is now complete across both connections, streams, and filters. * **listeners**: added :ref:`drain_type ` option. * **load balancer**: added :ref:`subset load balancer `. * **load balancer**: added ring size and hash :ref:`configuration options `. This used to be configurable via runtime. The runtime configuration was deleted without deprecation as we are fairly certain no one is using it. * **log**: added the ability to optionally log to a file instead of stderr via the :option:`--log-path` option. * **lua**: added experimental :ref:`Lua filter `. * **mongo filter**: added :ref:`"drain close" ` support. * **mongo filter**: added :ref:`fault injection `. * **outlier detection**: added :ref:`HTTP gateway failure type `. See `deprecated log `_ for outlier detection stats deprecations in this release. * **redis**: added :ref:`"drain close" ` functionality. * **redis**: the :ref:`redis proxy filter ` is now considered production ready. * **router**: added :ref:`configuration ` to return either a 404 or 503 if the upstream cluster does not exist. * **router**: added :ref:`cookie hashing `. * **router**: added :ref:`custom request headers ` for upstream requests. * **router**: added :ref:`downstream IP hashing ` for HTTP ketama routing. * **router**: added :ref:`regex ` route matching. * **router**: added :ref:`start_child_span ` option to create child span for egress calls. * **router**: added :ref:`x-envoy-overloaded ` support. * **router**: added complete :ref:`custom append/override/remove support ` of request/response headers. * **router**: added optional :ref:`upstream logs `. * **router**: added support to :ref:`specify response code during redirect `. * **runtime**: added :ref:`comment capability `. * **server**: change default log level (:option:`-l`) to ``info``. * **stats**: maximum stat/name sizes and maximum number of stats are now variable via the ``--max-obj-name-len`` and ``--max-stats`` options. * **tcp proxy**: added :ref:`access logging `. * **tcp proxy**: added :ref:`configurable connect retries `. * **tcp proxy**: enable use of :ref:`outlier detector `. * **tls**: added :ref:`SNI support `. * **tls**: added support for specifying :ref:`TLS session ticket keys `. * **tls**: allow configuration of the :ref:`min ` and :ref:`max ` TLS protocol versions. * **tracing**: added :ref:`custom trace span decorators `. Deprecated ---------- * **outlier_detection**: The outlier detection ``ejections_consecutive_5xx`` stats counter has been deprecated in favour of ``ejections_detected_consecutive_5xx`` and ``ejections_enforced_consecutive_5xx``. * **outlier_detection**: The outlier detection ``ejections_success_rate`` stats counter has been deprecated in favour of ``ejections_detected_success_rate`` and ``ejections_enforced_success_rate``. * **outlier_detection**: The outlier detection ``ejections_total`` stats counter has been deprecated and not replaced. Monitor the individual ``ejections_detected_*`` counters for the detectors of interest, or ``ejections_enforced_total`` for the total number of ejections that actually occurred.