.. _version_history_1.25.0: 1.25.0 (January 18, 2023) ========================== Incompatible behavior changes ----------------------------- *Changes that are expected to cause an incompatibility if applicable; deployment changes are likely required* * **build**: moved the ``strict_dns``, ``original_dst``, ``logical_dns``, ``static``, and ``eds`` clusters to extensions. If you use these clusters and override ``extensions_build_config.bzl`` you will now need to include it explicitly. * **build**: removed the c-ares and apple resolvers as required extensions. Envoy now only creates DNS resolvers when necessary (e.g. for logical DNS cluster); as such, it does not require these resolvers to always be included. If your Envoys do DNS resolution and override ``extensions_build_config.bzl`` you will need to include c-ares / apple resolver explicitly. * **listener**: Previously a listener update with different :ref:`transparent `, :ref:`freebind `, :ref:`tcp_fast_open_queue_length ` or :ref:`socket_options ` was ignored. Now, when those fields are updated, a new socket will be created for the listener and the updated values of those fields will be applied to it. This only happens when :ref:`enable_reuse_port ` is true. Otherwise if those fields change the update is rejected. The runtime flag ``envoy.reloadable_features.enable_update_listener_socket_options`` can be used to revert this behavior. * **loadbalancing**: When active health checking is enabled per cluster, slow start calculations will now start after first passing health check. The cluster membership duration condition is dropped from the slow start calculation. Endpoints can now re-enter slow start if active health checking is configured per cluster, on each ``unhealthy`` -> ``healthy`` state transition. * **stats http ext_authz**: Fixed ``ext_authz`` metric tag extraction so that :ref:`stat_prefix ` is properly extracted. This changes the Prometheus name from ``envoy_http_ext_authz_prefixval_denied{}`` to ``envoy_http_ext_authz_denied{envoy_ext_authz_prefix="prefixval"}``. ``envoy_cluster_X_ext_authz_Y_denied`` follows the same pattern. Minor behavior changes ---------------------- *Changes that may cause incompatibilities for some users, but should not for most* * **cache_filter**: add a completion callback to ``updateHeaders`` interface. Any external cache implementations should be updated to match this new interface. See changes to simple_http_cache in `PR \#23666 `_ for example. * **cache_filter**: api path of work-in-progress extension changed from ``api/extensions/cache/simple_http_cache`` to ``api/extensions/http/cache/simple_http_cache``, and source code moved to match extension category. * **config**: add support for thrift connection draining. This can be disabled by setting the runtime guard ``envoy.reloadable_features.thrift_connection_draining`` to false. * **http**: reverted the behavioral change to have ``CONNECT`` and upgrade requests over HTTP/1.1 not delay close. One can reinstate delay close for upgrades by setting ``envoy.reloadable_features.no_delay_close_for_upgrades`` to ``true``. * **http filter**: Avoid re-entrant filter invocations if we do a local reply via the filter chain when executing decoder filters. This behavioral change can be temporarily reverted by setting runtime flag ``envoy_reloadable_features_http_filter_avoid_reentrant_local_reply`` to false. * **http filters**: change ``StreamEncoderFilter::encode1xxHeaders`` to use its own enum class ``Http::Filter1xxHeadersStatus``. Previously we shared the same enum class for general headers, but the implementation did not support most of them. We also fixed ``StreamEncoderFilter::encode1xxHeaders`` to send local replies without trailing 1xx headers afterward. * **jwt_authn**: adjust the refetch time for ``remote_jwks`` ``async_fetch`` feature. For a good fetch, refetch 5 seconds before jwks cache duration. For a failed fetch, refetch time can be specified by :ref:`failed_refetch_duration ` with default 1 second. * **oauth2**: Requests which match the passthrough header now have their own metric ``oauth_passthrough`` and aren't included in ``oauth_success`` anymore. * **oauth2**: query parameters in the :ref:`authorization_endpoint ` are now preserved. * **rate_limit**: add ``MONTH`` and ``YEAR`` to the unit of time for rate limit. * **router**: Virtual cluster statistics are no longer created for routes without any ``virtual_clusters``. Previously statistics for a ``catch all`` virtual cluster were created, but never updated. * **tcp**: added :ref:`idle_timeout ` to support per client idle timeout for tcp connection pool. The timeout is guarded by ``envoy.reloadable_features.tcp_pool_idle_timeout`` and timeout defaults to 10 minutes if runtime flag is enabled. * **tls**: added support for intermediate CA as trusted CA. The peer certificate issued by an intermediate CA will be trusted by building valid partial chain. Before, it could not be verified without trusting its ancestor root CA and building a full chain. :ref:`trust_ca`. This change can be reverted via the runtime flag ``envoy.reloadable_features.enable_intermediate_ca``. * **upstream**: detailed health status is used for override host selection. This behavior can be reverted by setting runtime flag ``envoy.reloadable_features.validate_detailed_override_host_statuses`` to false. Bug fixes --------- *Changes expected to improve the state of the world and are unlikely to have negative effects* * **aws_lambda**: fix a bug when :ref:`PerRouteConfig ` is defined and was routing to a target cluster's AWS Lambda endpoint in a region that is different from the region obtained in :ref:`arn ` of ``aws_lambda`` ``http_filter`` configuration then the authorization header included in the request towards AWS Lambda was not signed with the region specified in ``PerRouteConfig``. * **generic_proxy**: fixed a bug that encoder filters and decoder filters of generic proxy will be executed in the same order. The encoder filters' execuate order should be the reverse of decoder filters' in the generic proxy. * **grpc_http_bridge**: fixed a bug where response data could be lost for requests that were upgraded from Protobuf. * **grpc_json_transcoder**: fix a bug when using http2, request body has ``google.api.HttpBody`` and the size is < 16KB, it will cause EOF from the backend grpc server. * **health_checker**: prevent writing pending data for health checkers by introducing ``ConnectionCloseType::Abort`` to avoid cascading handshake overhead from health checker's requests on timeout. This fix is related to `issue \#23718 `_. * **http**: fixed a bug where ``Utility::PercentEncoding::encode()`` encodes some characters incorrectly because it was treating the value as negative. * **jwt_authn**: fix a bug that ``jwt_cache`` breaks the :ref:`provider_and_audiences ` JWT requirement. * **oauth2**: fixed a bug when passthrough header was matched, envoy would always remove the authorization header. This behavioral change can be temporarily reverted by setting runtime guard ``envoy.reloadable_features.oauth_header_passthrough_fix`` to false. * **quic**: reject configs that specify require_client_certificate with QUIC since clients certificates are currently unsupported in QUIC. This behavioral change can be temporarily reverted by setting runtime guard ``envoy.reloadable_features.reject_require_client_certificate_with_quic`` to false. * **router**: fixed a bug that incorrectly rewrote the path when using ``regex_rewrite`` for redirects matched on prefix. * **router**: fixed a bug that truncated query parameters from paths rewritten with a ``path_rewrite_policy``, query parameters are now appended. ``envoy_reloadable_features_append_query_parameters_path_rewriter`` can be used to revert to truncation. * **skywalking**: fixed a crash that could happen when skywalking tracer is enabled and illegal ``sw8`` header is received. * **tcp_proxy**: When tunneling TCP over HTTP, mark the upstream connection as done reading when upstream trailers are read. This behavioral change can be temporarily reverted by setting runtime guard ``envoy.reloadable_features.finish_reading_on_decode_trailers`` to false. * **upstream**: fixed a bug for tcp upstream where we did not count the header and data to/from the upstream. * **upstream**: fixed a bug that only coarse health status is used for override host selection. * **upstream**: fixed a bug when specify both a single address in bootstrap and cluster upstream binding config but with a different IP version. It should be allowed but it is rejected. * **validation**: fixed a crash that could happen when optional ``engine_type`` is not provided in regex. Removed config or runtime ------------------------- *Normally occurs at the end of the* :ref:`deprecation period ` * **ecds**: removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.top_level_ecds_stats`` and legacy code paths. * **eds**: removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.support_locality_update_on_eds_cluster_endpoints`` and legacy code paths. * **http**: removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.allow_adding_content_type_in_local_replies`` and legacy code paths. * **http**: removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.allow_upstream_inline_write`` and legacy code paths. * **http**: removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.append_or_truncate`` and legacy code paths. * **http**: removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.deprecate_global_ints`` and legacy code paths. * **http**: removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.http_100_continue_case_insensitive`` and legacy code paths. removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.override_request_timeout_by_gateway_timeout`` and legacy code paths. * **http**: removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.skip_delay_close`` and legacy code paths. * **http**: removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.use_new_codec_wrapper`` and legacy code paths. removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.append_to_accept_content_encoding_only_once`` and legacy code paths. removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.http1_lazy_read_disable`` and legacy code paths. * **listener**: removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.strict_check_on_ipv4_compat`` and legacy code paths. * **router**: removed ``envoy.reloadable_features.do_not_await_headers_on_upstream_timeout_to_emit_stats`` and legacy code paths. New features ------------ * **access_log**: added a new field :ref:`intermediate_log_entry ` to detect if the gRPC log entry is an intermediate log entry or not and added support to flush TCP log entries periodly according to the configured :ref:`inteval `. * **access_log**: added support for :ref:`%STREAM_ID% ` for stream unique identifier. * **attributes**: added :ref:`attributes ` for looking up xDS configuration information. * **aws**: added support to prefer fetching AWS instance role credentials securely (`IMDSv2 `_) from EC2 instance metadata by getting the token first or falling back to insecure way (IMDSv1) if token fetch fails. * **bandwidth_limit**: added two new response trailers ``bandwidth-request-filter-delay-ms`` and ``bandwidth-response-filter-delay-ms`` to measure the delays added by this filter. * **build**: added an option ``--define=library_autolink=disabled`` to disable autolinking libraries. * **build**: added compile-time option ``--define=static_extension_registration=disabled`` to disable the automatic static registration of extension factories. * **compression**: added :ref:`CompressorPerRoute proto ` for per-route configuration. * **custom response http filter**: added :ref:`custom response http filter ` which adds the ability to customize responses sent to downstreams using local or remote sources. * **ext_authz**: added support to allowlist headers included in the check request to gRPC authorization server (previously only available for HTTP authorization server). Pre-existing field :ref:`allowed_headers ` is deprecated in favour of the new field :ref:`allowed_headers `. * **gcp_authn**: added support for configuring header that holds token fetched from GCE metadata server in new field :ref:`token_header `. * **generic_proxy**: added :ref:`dubbo codec support ` to the :ref:`generic_proxy filter `. * **generic_proxy**: added :ref:`generic rds support `. * **generic_proxy**: added drain support to generic proxy to doing graceful closes on connections when possible. * **golang**: added new :ref:`HTTP golang extension filter `. * **grpc_json_transcoder**: added ``max_request_body_size`` and ``max_response_body_size`` fields, which can either increase or decrease the size of messages that can be processed. It can increase (but does not decrease) the stream buffer size, and can reject messages even if they're smaller than the stream buffer size if configured smaller. * **health_check**: added an optional bool flag :ref:`disable_active_health_check ` to disable the active health check for the endpoint. * **http**: added :ref:`append_x_forwarded_port ` to append the ``x-forwarded-port`` header to HTTP upstream requests. * **http**: added support of :ref:`header mutation ` to the HTTP connection manager via :ref:`early header mutation ` field. * **http**: enhanced dynamic forward proxy cluster to :ref:`allow_coalesced_connections ` for HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 connections. * **jwt_authn**: added support for copying jwt claims to http headers. * **listener**: added ``continueFilterChain()`` and ``dispatcher()`` methods to the ``ListenerFilterCallback``. This allows listener filters to continue listener filter iteration after stopping iteration e.g. if the listener filter depends on an async process. * **listener**: added a new field :ref:`socket_options ` to the ``AdditionalAddress``, allowing specifying discrete socket options for each listener address. * **matching**: support filter chain selection based on the dynamic metadata and the filter state using :ref:`formatter actions `. * **mobile**: merged the Envoy mobile library into the main Envoy repo. * **postgres**: added support for upstream SSL. * **redis**: extended :ref:`cluster support ` by adding a :ref:`dns_cache_config ` option that can be used to resolve hostnames returned by ``MOVED``/``ASK`` responses. * **router**: added :ref:`RouteList ` to support route list in :ref:`VirtualHost.matcher `. * **router**: added a :ref:`x-envoy-is-timeout-retry ` request header on retries initiated by request timeouts; enabled by setting :ref:`include_is_timeout_retry_header ` to ``true``. * **stats**: added ``includeHistogram()`` method to ``Stats::SinkPredicates`` to filter histograms to be flushed to stat sinks. Use ``envoy.reloadable_features.enable_include_histograms`` to enable this feature, which is disabled by default. * **tcp**: added :ref:`idle_timeout ` to support per client idle timeout for tcp connection pool. See also `minor behaviour changes <#minor-behavior-changes>`__. * **tcp_proxy**: added new config :ref:`post_path field ` to specifiy a custom path for HTTP tunneling with POST method. * **thrift**: added payload to metadata filter which matches a given payload field's value would be extracted and attached to the request as dynamic metadata. * **thrift_proxy**: added ``envoy.reloadable_features.thrift_allow_negative_field_ids`` to support negative field ids for legacy thrift service. * **tls**: added support for SNI-based cert selection in tls downstream transport socket. Detailed documentation is available :ref:`cert selection`. New config option :ref:`full_scan_certs_on_sni_mismatch ` is introduced to disable or enable full scan when no cert matches to SNI, defaults to false. New runtime flag ``envoy.reloadable_features.no_full_scan_certs_on_sni_mismatch`` can be used for override the default value. * **tracing**: added support for setting the hostname used when sending spans to a Datadog collector using the :ref:`collector_hostname ` field. * **udp_proxy**: added support for :ref:`proxy_access_log `. * **upstream**: added :ref:`least request extension ` to suppport the :ref:`load balancer policy `. * **upstream**: added :ref:`random extension ` to suppport the :ref:`load balancer policy `. * **upstream**: added :ref:`round robin extension ` to suppport the :ref:`load balancer policy `. * **upstream**: added a new field :ref:`socket_options ` to the ``ExtraSourceAddress``, allowing specifying discrete socket options for each source address. * **upstream**: allow configuring :ref:`cluster bind config ` and :ref:`cluster manager bind config ` without specifying a :ref:`source_address `. This allows setting :ref:`socket options ` when using the default unspecified bind address is desired. * **xds**: added an api configuration :ref:`xds_config_tracker_extension ` in the bootstrap to allow tracking xDS responses in external components, and provided the extension interface.