xds/core/v3/collection_entry.proto (proto)


This API feature is currently work-in-progress. API features marked as work-in-progress are not considered stable, are not covered by the threat model, are not supported by the security team, and are subject to breaking changes. Do not use this feature without understanding each of the previous points.


[.xds.core.v3.CollectionEntry proto]

xDS collection resource wrapper. This encapsulates a xDS resource when appearing inside a list collection resource. List collection resources are regular Resource messages of type:

message <T>Collection {
  repeated CollectionEntry resources = 1;
  "locator": {...},
  "inline_entry": {...}

(.xds.core.v3.ResourceLocator) A resource locator describing how the member resource is to be located.

Precisely one of locator, inline_entry must be set.


(.xds.core.v3.CollectionEntry.InlineEntry) The resource is inlined in the list collection.

Precisely one of locator, inline_entry must be set.


[.xds.core.v3.CollectionEntry.InlineEntry proto]

Inlined resource entry.

  "name": ...,
  "version": ...,
  "resource": {...}

(string) Optional name to describe the inlined resource. Resource names must match [a-zA-Z0-9_-\./]+ (TODO(htuch): turn this into a PGV constraint once finalized, probably should be a RFC3986 pchar). This name allows reference via the #entry directive in ResourceLocator.


(string) The resource’s logical version. It is illegal to have the same named xDS resource name at a given version with different resource payloads.


(Any) The resource payload, including type URL.