.. _config_network_filters_tcp_proxy: TCP proxy ========= * TCP proxy :ref:`architecture overview ` * :ref:`v3 API reference ` * This filter should be configured with the name *envoy.filters.network.tcp_proxy*. .. _config_network_filters_tcp_proxy_dynamic_cluster: Dynamic cluster selection ------------------------- The upstream cluster used by the TCP proxy filter can be dynamically set by other network filters on a per-connection basis by setting a per-connection state object under the key ``envoy.tcp_proxy.cluster``. See the implementation for the details. .. _config_network_filters_tcp_proxy_subset_lb: Routing to a subset of hosts ---------------------------- TCP proxy can be configured to route to a subset of hosts within an upstream cluster. To define metadata that a suitable upstream host must match, use one of the following fields: #. Use :ref:`TcpProxy.metadata_match` to define required metadata for a single upstream cluster. #. Use :ref:`ClusterWeight.metadata_match` to define required metadata for a weighted upstream cluster. #. Use combination of :ref:`TcpProxy.metadata_match` and :ref:`ClusterWeight.metadata_match` to define required metadata for a weighted upstream cluster (metadata from the latter will be merged on top of the former). In addition, dynamic metadata can be set by earlier network filters on the ``StreamInfo``. Setting the dynamic metadata must happen before ``onNewConnection()`` is called on the ``TcpProxy`` filter to affect load balancing. .. _config_network_filters_tcp_proxy_stats: Statistics ---------- The TCP proxy filter emits both its own downstream statistics, :ref:`access logs ` for upstream and downstream connections, as well as many of the :ref:`cluster upstream statistics ` where applicable. The downstream statistics are rooted at *tcp..* with the following statistics: .. csv-table:: :header: Name, Type, Description :widths: 1, 1, 2 downstream_cx_total, Counter, Total number of connections handled by the filter downstream_cx_no_route, Counter, Number of connections for which no matching route was found or the cluster for the route was not found downstream_cx_tx_bytes_total, Counter, Total bytes written to the downstream connection downstream_cx_tx_bytes_buffered, Gauge, Total bytes currently buffered to the downstream connection downstream_cx_rx_bytes_total, Counter, Total bytes read from the downstream connection downstream_cx_rx_bytes_buffered, Gauge, Total bytes currently buffered from the downstream connection downstream_flow_control_paused_reading_total, Counter, Total number of times flow control paused reading from downstream downstream_flow_control_resumed_reading_total, Counter, Total number of times flow control resumed reading from downstream idle_timeout, Counter, Total number of connections closed due to idle timeout max_downstream_connection_duration, Counter, Total number of connections closed due to max_downstream_connection_duration timeout on_demand_cluster_attempt, Counter, Total number of connections that requested on demand cluster on_demand_cluster_missing, Counter, Total number of connections closed due to on demand cluster is missing on_demand_cluster_success, Counter, Total number of connections that requested and received on demand cluster on_demand_cluster_timeout, Counter, Total number of connections closed due to on demand cluster lookup timeout upstream_flush_total, Counter, Total number of connections that continued to flush upstream data after the downstream connection was closed upstream_flush_active, Gauge, Total connections currently continuing to flush upstream data after the downstream connection was closed