.. _start_quick_start_static: Configuration: Static ===================== To start Envoy with static configuration, you will need to specify :ref:`listeners ` and :ref:`clusters ` as :ref:`static_resources `. You can also add an :ref:`admin ` section if you wish to monitor Envoy or retrieve stats. The following sections walk through the static configuration provided in the :download:`demo configuration file <_include/envoy-demo.yaml>` used as the default in the Envoy Docker container. .. _start_quick_start_static_static_resources: ``static_resources`` -------------------- The :ref:`static_resources ` contain everything that is configured statically when Envoy starts, as opposed to dynamically at runtime. .. literalinclude:: _include/envoy-demo.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: :lines: 1-3 :emphasize-lines: 1 .. _start_quick_start_static_listeners: ``listeners`` ------------- The example configures a :ref:`listener ` on port ``10000``. All paths are matched and routed to the ``service_envoyproxy_io`` :ref:`cluster `. .. literalinclude:: _include/envoy-demo.yaml :language: yaml :linenos: :lines: 1-34 :emphasize-lines: 3-31 .. _start_quick_start_static_clusters: ``clusters`` ------------ The ``service_envoyproxy_io`` :ref:`cluster ` proxies over ``TLS`` to https://www.envoyproxy.io. .. literalinclude:: _include/envoy-demo.yaml :language: yaml :lineno-start: 29 :lines: 29-51 :emphasize-lines: 5-23