.. _config_http_filters_admission_control: Admission Control ================= .. attention:: The admission control filter is experimental and is currently under active development. See the :ref:`v3 API reference ` for details on each configuration parameter. Overview -------- The admission control filter probabilistically rejects requests based on the success rate of previous requests in a configurable sliding time window. It is based on `client-side throttling `_ from the `Google SRE handbook `_. The only notable difference between the admission control filter's load shedding and load shedding defined in client-side throttling is that users may configure how aggressively load shedding starts at a target request success rate. Users may also configure the definition of a successful request for the purposes of the rejection probability calculation. The probability that the filter will reject a request is as follows: .. math:: P_{reject} = {(\frac{n_{total} - s}{n_{total} + 1})}^\frac{1}{aggression} where, .. math:: s = \frac{n_{success}}{threshold} - *n* refers to a request count gathered in the sliding window. - *threshold* is a configurable value that dictates the lowest request success rate at which the filter will **not reject** requests. The value is normalized to [0,1] for the calculation. - *aggression* controls the rejection probability curve such that 1.0 is a linear increase in rejection probability as the success rate decreases. As the **aggression** increases, the rejection probability will be higher for higher success rates. See `Aggression`_ for a more detailed explanation. Note that there are additional parameters that affect the rejection probability: - *rps_threshold* is a configurable value that when RPS is lower than it, requests will pass through the filter. - *max_reject_probability* represents the upper limit of the rejection probability. .. note:: The success rate calculations are performed on a per-thread basis for increased performance. In addition, the per-thread isolation prevents decreases the blast radius of a single bad connection with an anomalous success rate. Therefore, the rejection probability may vary between worker threads. .. note:: Health check traffic does not count towards any of the filter's measurements. See the :ref:`v3 API reference ` for more details on this parameter. The definition of a successful request is a :ref:`configurable parameter ` for both HTTP and gRPC requests. Aggression ~~~~~~~~~~ The aggression value affects the rejection probabilities as shown in the following figures: .. image:: images/aggression_graph.png Since the success rate threshold in the first figure is set to 95%, the rejection probability remains 0 until then. In the second figure, there rejection probability remains 0 until the success rate reaches 50%. In both cases, as success rate drops to 0%, the rejection probability approaches a value just under 100%. The aggression values dictate how high the rejection probability will be at a given request success rate, so it will shed load more *aggressively*. Example Configuration --------------------- An example filter configuration can be found below. Not all fields are required and many of the fields can be overridden via runtime settings. .. code-block:: yaml name: envoy.filters.http.admission_control typed_config: "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.admission_control.v3alpha.AdmissionControl enabled: default_value: true runtime_key: "admission_control.enabled" sampling_window: 120s sr_threshold: default_value: 95.0 runtime_key: "admission_control.sr_threshold" aggression: default_value: 1.5 runtime_key: "admission_control.aggression" rps_threshold: default_value: 5 runtime_key: "admission_control.rps_threshold" max_rejection_probability: default_value: 80.0 runtime_key: "admission_control.max_rejection_probability" success_criteria: http_criteria: http_success_status: - start: 100 end: 400 - start: 404 end: 404 grpc_criteria: grpc_success_status: - 0 - 1 The above configuration can be understood as follows: * Calculate the request success-rate over a 120s sliding window. * Do not begin shedding any load until the request success-rate drops below 95% in the sliding window. * HTTP requests are considered successful if they are 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, or a 404. * gRPC requests are considered successful if they are OK or CANCELLED. * Requests will never be rejeted from this filter if the RPS is lower than 5. * Rejection probability will never exceed 80% even if the failure rate is 100%. Statistics ---------- The admission control filter outputs statistics in the *http..admission_control.* namespace. The :ref:`stat prefix ` comes from the owning HTTP connection manager. .. csv-table:: :header: Name, Type, Description :widths: auto rq_rejected, Counter, Total requests that were not admitted by the filter. rq_success, Counter, Total requests that were considered a success. rq_failure, Counter, Total requests that were considered a failure.