.. _envoy_v3_api_file_envoy/config/trace/v3/xray.proto: AWS X-Ray Tracer Configuration ============================== Configuration for AWS X-Ray tracer .. _envoy_v3_api_msg_config.trace.v3.XRayConfig: config.trace.v3.XRayConfig -------------------------- `[config.trace.v3.XRayConfig proto] `_ .. _extension_envoy.tracers.xray: This extension may be referenced by the qualified name *envoy.tracers.xray* .. note:: This extension is intended to be robust against untrusted downstream traffic. It assumes that the upstream is trusted. .. tip:: This extension extends and can be used with the following extension category: - :ref:`envoy.tracers ` .. code-block:: json { "daemon_endpoint": "{...}", "segment_name": "...", "sampling_rule_manifest": "{...}", "segment_fields": "{...}" } .. _envoy_v3_api_field_config.trace.v3.XRayConfig.daemon_endpoint: daemon_endpoint (:ref:`config.core.v3.SocketAddress `) The UDP endpoint of the X-Ray Daemon where the spans will be sent. If this value is not set, the default value of will be used. .. _envoy_v3_api_field_config.trace.v3.XRayConfig.segment_name: segment_name (`string `_, *REQUIRED*) The name of the X-Ray segment. .. _envoy_v3_api_field_config.trace.v3.XRayConfig.sampling_rule_manifest: sampling_rule_manifest (:ref:`config.core.v3.DataSource `) The location of a local custom sampling rules JSON file. For an example of the sampling rules see: `X-Ray SDK documentation `_ .. _envoy_v3_api_field_config.trace.v3.XRayConfig.segment_fields: segment_fields (:ref:`config.trace.v3.XRayConfig.SegmentFields `) Optional custom fields to be added to each trace segment. see: `X-Ray Segment Document documentation `__ .. _envoy_v3_api_msg_config.trace.v3.XRayConfig.SegmentFields: config.trace.v3.XRayConfig.SegmentFields ---------------------------------------- `[config.trace.v3.XRayConfig.SegmentFields proto] `_ .. code-block:: json { "origin": "...", "aws": "{...}" } .. _envoy_v3_api_field_config.trace.v3.XRayConfig.SegmentFields.origin: origin (`string `_) The type of AWS resource, e.g. "AWS::AppMesh::Proxy". .. _envoy_v3_api_field_config.trace.v3.XRayConfig.SegmentFields.aws: aws (`Struct `_) AWS resource metadata dictionary. See: `X-Ray Segment Document documentation `__