Service to service only


The above diagram shows the simplest Envoy deployment which uses Envoy as a communication bus for all traffic internal to a service oriented architecture (SOA). In this scenario, Envoy exposes several listeners that are used for local origin traffic as well as service-to-service traffic.

Service to service egress listener

This is the port used by applications to talk to other services in the infrastructure. For example, http://localhost:9001. HTTP and gRPC requests use the HTTP/1.1 host header or the HTTP/2 :authority header to indicate which remote cluster the request is destined for. Envoy handles service discovery, load balancing, rate limiting, etc. depending on the details in the configuration. Services only need to know about the local Envoy and do not need to concern themselves with network topology, whether they are running in development or production, etc.

This listener supports both HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 depending on the capabilities of the application.


Service to service ingress listener

This is the port used by remote Envoys when they want to talk to the local Envoy. For example, http://servicename:9211. Envoy routes incoming requests to the local service on the configured port(s). Multiple application ports may be involved depending on application or load balancing needs (for example if the service needs both an HTTP port and a gRPC port). The local Envoy performs buffering, circuit breaking, etc. as needed.

Our default configurations use HTTP/2 for all Envoy to Envoy communication, regardless of whether the application uses HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 when egressing out of a local Envoy. HTTP/2 provides better performance via long lived connections and explicit reset notifications.


Optional external service egress listeners

Generally, an explicit egress port is used for each external service that a local service wants to talk to. This is done because some external service SDKs do not easily support overriding the host header to allow for standard HTTP reverse proxy behavior. For example, http://localhost:9250 might be allocated for connections destined for DynamoDB. Instead of using host routing for some external services and dedicated local port routing for others, we recommend being consistent and using local port routing for all external services.

Discovery service integration

The recommended service-to-service configuration uses an external discovery service for all cluster lookups. This provides Envoy with the most detailed information possible for use when performing load balancing, statistics gathering, etc.

Configuration template

The source distribution includes an example service-to-service configuration.