.. _config_http_filters_ext_proc: External Processing =================== * :ref:`Http filter v3 API reference ` * This filter should be configured with the name *envoy.filters.http.ext_proc* The external processing filter calls an external gRPC service to enable it to participate in HTTP filter chain processing. The filter is called using a gRPC bidirectional stream, and allows the filter to make decisions in real time about what parts of the HTTP request / response stream are sent to the filter for processing. The protocol itself is based on a bidirectional gRPC stream. Envoy will send the server :ref:`ProcessingRequest ` messages, and the server must reply with :ref:`ProcessingResponse `. This filter is a work in progress. In its current state, it actually does nothing. Statistics ---------- This filter outputs statistics in the *http..ext_proc.* namespace. The :ref:`stat prefix ` comes from the owning HTTP connection manager. The following statistics are supported: .. csv-table:: :header: Name, Type, Description :widths: auto streams_started, Counter, The number of gRPC streams that have been started to send to the external processing service streams_msgs_sent, Counter, The number of messages sent on those streams streams_msgs_received, Counter, The number of messages received on those streams spurious_msgs_received, Counter, The number of unexpected messages received that violated the protocol streams_closed, Counter, The number of streams successfully closed on either end streams_failed, Counter, The number of times a stream produced a gRPC error failure_mode_allowed, Counter, The number of times an error was ignored due to configuration