.. _install_sandboxes_local_docker_build: Building an Envoy Docker image ============================== The following steps guide you through building your own Envoy binary, and putting that in a clean Ubuntu container. **Step 1: Build Envoy** Using ``envoyproxy/envoy-build`` you will compile Envoy. This image has all software needed to build Envoy. From your Envoy directory:: $ pwd src/envoy $ ./ci/run_envoy_docker.sh './ci/do_ci.sh bazel.release' That command will take some time to run because it is compiling an Envoy binary and running tests. For more information on building and different build targets, please refer to :repo:`ci/README.md`. **Step 2: Build image with only Envoy binary** In this step we'll build an image that only has the Envoy binary, and none of the software used to build it.:: $ pwd src/envoy/ $ docker build -f ci/Dockerfile-envoy -t envoy . Now you can use this ``envoy`` image to build the any of the sandboxes if you change the ``FROM`` line in any Dockerfile. This will be particularly useful if you are interested in modifying Envoy, and testing your changes.