.. _config_http_filters_rate_limit: Rate limit ========== * Global rate limiting :ref:`architecture overview ` * :ref:`v2 API reference ` * This filter should be configured with the name *envoy.filters.http.ratelimit*. The HTTP rate limit filter will call the rate limit service when the request's route or virtual host has one or more :ref:`rate limit configurations` that match the filter stage setting. The :ref:`route` can optionally include the virtual host rate limit configurations. More than one configuration can apply to a request. Each configuration results in a descriptor being sent to the rate limit service. If the rate limit service is called, and the response for any of the descriptors is over limit, a 429 response is returned. The rate limit filter also sets the :ref:`x-envoy-ratelimited` header. If there is an error in calling rate limit service or rate limit service returns an error and :ref:`failure_mode_deny ` is set to true, a 500 response is returned. .. _config_http_filters_rate_limit_composing_actions: Composing Actions ----------------- Each :ref:`rate limit action ` on the route or virtual host populates a descriptor entry. A vector of descriptor entries compose a descriptor. To create more complex rate limit descriptors, actions can be composed in any order. The descriptor will be populated in the order the actions are specified in the configuration. Example 1 ^^^^^^^^^ For example, to generate the following descriptor: .. code-block:: cpp ("generic_key", "some_value") ("source_cluster", "from_cluster") The configuration would be: .. code-block:: yaml actions: - {source_cluster: {}} - {generic_key: {descriptor_value: some_value}} Example 2 ^^^^^^^^^ If an action doesn't append a descriptor entry, no descriptor is generated for the configuration. For the following configuration: .. code-block:: yaml actions: - {source_cluster: {}} - {remote_address: {}} - {generic_key: {descriptor_value: some_value}} If a request did not set :ref:`x-forwarded-for`, no descriptor is generated. If a request sets :ref:`x-forwarded-for`, the the following descriptor is generated: .. code-block:: cpp ("generic_key", "some_value") ("remote_address", "") ("source_cluster", "from_cluster") Statistics ---------- The rate limit filter outputs statistics in the *cluster..ratelimit.* namespace. 429 responses are emitted to the normal cluster :ref:`dynamic HTTP statistics `. .. csv-table:: :header: Name, Type, Description :widths: 1, 1, 2 ok, Counter, Total under limit responses from the rate limit service error, Counter, Total errors contacting the rate limit service over_limit, Counter, total over limit responses from the rate limit service failure_mode_allowed, Counter, "Total requests that were error(s) but were allowed through because of :ref:`failure_mode_deny ` set to false." Runtime ------- The HTTP rate limit filter supports the following runtime settings: ratelimit.http_filter_enabled % of requests that will call the rate limit service. Defaults to 100. ratelimit.http_filter_enforcing % of requests that will call the rate limit service and enforce the decision. Defaults to 100. This can be used to test what would happen before fully enforcing the outcome. ratelimit..http_filter_enabled % of requests that will call the rate limit service for a given *route_key* specified in the :ref:`rate limit configuration `. Defaults to 100.