.. _install_sandboxes_grpc_bridge: gRPC Bridge =========== Envoy gRPC ~~~~~~~~~~ The gRPC bridge sandbox is an example usage of Envoy's :ref:`gRPC bridge filter `. Included in the sandbox is a gRPC in-memory Key/Value store with a Python HTTP client. The Python client makes HTTP/1 requests through the Envoy sidecar process which are upgraded into HTTP/2 gRPC requests. Response trailers are then buffered and sent back to the client as a HTTP/1 header payload. Another Envoy feature demonstrated in this example is Envoy's ability to do authority base routing via its route configuration. Building the Go service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To build the Go gRPC service run:: $ pwd envoy/examples/grpc-bridge $ script/bootstrap $ script/build Note: ``build`` requires that your Envoy codebase (or a working copy thereof) is in ``$GOPATH/src/github.com/envoyproxy/envoy``. Docker compose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To run the docker compose file, and set up both the Python and the gRPC containers run:: $ pwd envoy/examples/grpc-bridge $ docker-compose pull $ docker-compose up --build Sending requests to the Key/Value store ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To use the Python service and send gRPC requests:: $ pwd envoy/examples/grpc-bridge # set a key $ docker-compose exec python /client/client.py set foo bar setf foo to bar # get a key $ docker-compose exec python /client/client.py get foo bar # modify an existing key $ docker-compose exec python /client/client.py set foo baz setf foo to baz # get the modified key $ docker-compose exec python /client/client.py get foo baz In the running docker-compose container, you should see the gRPC service printing a record of its activity:: grpc_1 | 2017/05/30 12:05:09 set: foo = bar grpc_1 | 2017/05/30 12:05:12 get: foo grpc_1 | 2017/05/30 12:05:18 set: foo = baz