.. _envoy_v3_api_file_xds/type/matcher/v3/cel.proto: Common Expression Language (CEL) matchers (proto) ================================================= .. warning:: This API feature is currently work-in-progress. API features marked as work-in-progress are not considered stable, are not covered by the :ref:`threat model `, are not supported by the security team, and are subject to breaking changes. Do not use this feature without understanding each of the previous points. .. _envoy_v3_api_msg_.xds.type.matcher.v3.CelMatcher: .xds.type.matcher.v3.CelMatcher ------------------------------- `[.xds.type.matcher.v3.CelMatcher proto] `_ Performs a match by evaluating a `Common Expression Language `_ (CEL) expression against the standardized set of :ref:`HTTP attributes ` specified via ``HttpAttributesCelMatchInput``. .. attention:: The match is ``true``, iff the result of the evaluation is a bool AND true. In all other cases, the match is ``false``, including but not limited to: non-bool types, ``false``, ``null``,`` int(1)``, etc. In case CEL expression raises an error, the result of the evaluation is interpreted "no match". Refer to :ref:`Unified Matcher API ` documentation for usage details. .. code-block:: json :force: { "expr_match": {...}, "description": ... } .. _envoy_v3_api_field_.xds.type.matcher.v3.CelMatcher.expr_match: expr_match (:ref:`.xds.type.v3.CelExpression `, *REQUIRED*) Either parsed or checked representation of the CEL program. .. _envoy_v3_api_field_.xds.type.matcher.v3.CelMatcher.description: description (`string `_) Free-form description of the CEL AST, e.g. the original expression text, to be used for debugging assistance.