.. _version_history_1.26.7: 1.26.7 (February 9, 2024) ========================== Bug fixes --------- *Changes expected to improve the state of the world and are unlikely to have negative effects* * **buffer**: Fixed a bug (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/28760) that the internal listener causes an undefined behavior due to the unintended release of the buffer memory. * **http**: Fixed crash when HTTP request idle and per try timeouts occurs within backoff interval. * **http**: Fixed recursion when HTTP connection is disconnected due to a high number of premature resets. * **proxy protocol**: fixed a crash when Envoy is configured for PROXY protocol on both a listener and cluster, and the listener receives a PROXY protocol header with address type LOCAL (typically used for health checks). * **proxy_protocol**: Fix crash due to uncaught exception when the operating system does not support an address type (such as IPv6) that is received in a proxy protocol header. Connections will instead be dropped/reset. * **proxy_protocol**: Fixed a bug where TLVs with non utf8 characters were inserted as protobuf values into filter metadata circumventing ext_authz checks when ``failure_mode_allow`` is set to ``true``. * **url matching**: Fixed excessive CPU utilization when using regex URL template matcher.