.. _version_history_1.15.0: 1.15.0 (July 7, 2020) ====================== Incompatible behavior changes ----------------------------- *Changes that are expected to cause an incompatibility if applicable; deployment changes are likely required* * **build**: official released binary is now built on Ubuntu 18.04, requires glibc >= 2.27. * **client_ssl_auth**: the ``auth_ip_white_list`` stat has been renamed to :ref:`auth_ip_allowlist `. * **header to metadata**: on_header_missing rules with empty values are now rejected (they were skipped before). * **router**: path_redirect now keeps query string by default. This behavior may be reverted by setting runtime feature ``envoy.reloadable_features.preserve_query_string_in_path_redirects`` to false. * **tls**: fixed a bug where wilcard matching for "\*.foo.com" also matched domains of the form "a.b.foo.com". This behavior can be temporarily reverted by setting runtime feature ``envoy.reloadable_features.fix_wildcard_matching`` to false. Minor behavior changes ---------------------- *Changes that may cause incompatibilities for some users, but should not for most* * **access loggers**: applied existing buffer limits to access logs, as well as :ref:`stats ` for logged / dropped logs. This can be reverted temporarily by setting runtime feature ``envoy.reloadable_features.disallow_unbounded_access_logs`` to false. * **build**: runs as non-root inside Docker containers. Existing behaviour can be restored by setting the environment variable ``ENVOY_UID`` to ``0``. ``ENVOY_UID`` and ``ENVOY_GID`` can be used to set the envoy user's ``uid`` and ``gid`` respectively. * **health check**: in the health check filter the :ref:`percentage of healthy servers in upstream clusters ` is now interpreted as an integer. * **hot restart**: added the option :option:`--use-dynamic-base-id` to select an unused base ID at startup and the option :option:`--base-id-path` to write the base id to a file (for reuse with later hot restarts). * **http**: changed early error path for HTTP/1.1 so that responses consistently flow through the http connection manager, and the http filter chains. This behavior may be temporarily reverted by setting runtime feature ``envoy.reloadable_features.early_errors_via_hcm`` to false. * **http**: fixed a bug where the upgrade header was not cleared on responses to non-upgrade requests. Can be reverted temporarily by setting runtime feature ``envoy.reloadable_features.fix_upgrade_response`` to false. * **http**: fixed several bugs with applying correct connection close behavior across the http connection manager, health checker, and connection pool. This behavior may be temporarily reverted by setting runtime feature ``envoy.reloadable_features.fix_connection_close`` to false. * **http**: stopped adding a synthetic path to CONNECT requests, meaning unconfigured CONNECT requests will now return 404 instead of 403. This behavior can be temporarily reverted by setting ``envoy.reloadable_features.stop_faking_paths`` to false. * **http**: stopped allowing upstream 1xx or 204 responses with Transfer-Encoding or non-zero Content-Length headers. Content-Length of 0 is allowed, but stripped. This behavior can be temporarily reverted by setting ``envoy.reloadable_features.strict_1xx_and_204_response_headers`` to false. * **http**: stopped overwriting ``date`` response headers. Responses without a ``date`` header will still have the header properly set. This behavior can be temporarily reverted by setting ``envoy.reloadable_features.preserve_upstream_date`` to false. * **http**: upstream connections will now automatically set ALPN when this value is not explicitly set elsewhere (e.g. on the upstream TLS config). This behavior may be temporarily reverted by setting runtime feature ``envoy.reloadable_features.http_default_alpn`` to false. * **listener**: fixed a bug where when a static listener fails to be added to a worker, the listener was not removed from the active listener list. * **router**: extended to allow retries by default when upstream responds with :ref:`x-envoy-overloaded `. * **router**: extended to allow retries of streaming or incomplete requests. This removes stat ``rq_retry_skipped_request_not_complete``. Bug fixes --------- *Changes expected to improve the state of the world and are unlikely to have negative effects* * **adaptive concurrency**: fixed a minRTT calculation bug where requests started before the concurrency limit was pinned to the minimum would skew the new minRTT value if the replies arrived after the start of the new minRTT window. * **buffer**: fixed CVE-2020-12603 by avoiding fragmentation, and tracking of HTTP/2 data and control frames in the output buffer. * **grpc-json**: fixed a bug when in trailers only gRPC response (e.g. error) HTTP status code is not being re-written. * **http**: fixed CVE-2020-12604 by changing :ref:`stream_idle_timeout ` to also defend against an HTTP/2 peer that does not open stream window once an entire response has been buffered to be sent to a downstream client. * **http**: fixed CVE-2020-12605 by including request URL in request header size computation, and rejecting partial headers that exceed configured limits. * **http**: fixed a bug in the grpc_http1_reverse_bridge filter where header-only requests were forwarded with a non-zero content length. * **http**: fixed a bug where in some cases slash was moved from path to query string when :ref:`merging of adjacent slashes ` is enabled. * **http**: fixed several bugs with applying correct connection close behavior across the http connection manager, health checker, and connection pool. This behavior may be temporarily reverted by setting runtime feature ``envoy.reloadable_features.fix_connection_close`` to false. * **listener**: fixed CVE-2020-8663 by adding runtime support for :ref:`per-listener limits ` on active/accepted connections. * **overload management**: fixed CVE-2020-8663 by adding runtime support for :ref:`global limits ` on active/accepted connections. * **prometheus stats**: fixed the sort order of output lines to comply with the standard. * **udp**: the :ref:`reuse_port ` listener option must now be specified for UDP listeners if concurrency is > 1. This previously crashed so is considered a bug fix. * **upstream**: fixed a bug where Envoy would panic when receiving a GRPC SERVICE_UNKNOWN status on the health check. Removed config or runtime ------------------------- *Normally occurs at the end of the* :ref:`deprecation period ` * **http**: removed legacy connection pool code and their runtime features: ``envoy.reloadable_features.new_http1_connection_pool_behavior`` and ``envoy.reloadable_features.new_http2_connection_pool_behavior``. New features ------------ * **access loggers**: added GRPC_STATUS operator on logging format. * **access loggers**: added file access logger config :ref:`log_format `. * **access loggers**: added gRPC access logger config added :ref:`API version ` to explicitly set the version of gRPC service endpoint and message to be used. * **access loggers**: extended specifier for FilterStateFormatter to output :ref:`unstructured log string `. * **admin**: added support for dumping EDS config at :ref:`/config_dump?include_eds `. * **aggregate cluster**: made route :ref:`retry_priority ` predicates work with :ref:`this cluster type `. * **build**: official released binary is now built on Ubuntu 18.04, requires glibc >= 2.27. * **build**: official released binary is now built with Clang 10.0.0. * **cluster**: added an extension point for configurable :ref:`upstreams `. * **compressor**: exposed generic :ref:`compressor ` filter to users. * **config**: added :ref:`identifier ` stat that reflects control plane identifier. * **config**: added :ref:`version_text ` stat that reflects xDS version. * **decompressor**: exposed generic :ref:`decompressor ` filter to users. * **dynamic forward proxy**: added :ref:`SNI based dynamic forward proxy ` support. * **dynamic forward proxy**: added :ref:`allow_insecure_cluster_options ` to allow disabling of auto_san_validation and auto_sni. * **dynamic forward proxy**: added configurable :ref:`circuit breakers ` for resolver on DNS cache. This behavior can be temporarily disabled by the runtime feature ``envoy.reloadable_features.enable_dns_cache_circuit_breakers``. If this runtime feature is disabled, the upstream circuit breakers for the cluster will be used even if the :ref:`DNS Cache circuit breakers ` are configured. * **ext_authz filter**: added :ref:`v2 deny_at_disable `, :ref:`v3 deny_at_disable `. This allows force denying protected paths while filter gets disabled, by setting this key to true. * **ext_authz filter**: added :ref:`v3 allowed_upstream_headers_to_append ` to allow appending multiple header entries (returned by the authorization server) with the same key to the original request headers. * **ext_authz filter**: added API version field for both :ref:`HTTP ` and :ref:`Network ` filters to explicitly set the version of gRPC service endpoint and message to be used. * **fault**: added support for controlling the percentage of requests that abort, delay and response rate limits faults are applied to using :ref:`HTTP headers ` to the HTTP fault filter. * **fault**: added support for specifying grpc_status code in abort faults using :ref:`HTTP header ` or abort fault configuration in HTTP fault filter. * **filter**: added ``upstream_rq_time`` stats to the GPRC stats filter. Disabled by default and can be enabled via :ref:`enable_upstream_stats `. * **grpc**: added support for Google gRPC :ref:`custom channel arguments `. * **grpc-json**: added support for streaming response using `google.api.HttpBody `_. * **grpc-json**: send a ``x-envoy-original-method`` header to grpc services. * **gzip filter**: added option to set zlib's next output buffer size. * **hds**: updated to allow to explicitly set the API version of gRPC service endpoint and message to be used. * **header to metadata**: added support for regex substitutions on header values. * **health checks**: allowed configuring health check transport sockets by specifying :ref:`transport socket match criteria `. * **http**: added :ref:`local_reply config ` to http_connection_manager to customize :ref:`local reply `. * **http**: added :ref:`stripping port from host header ` support. * **http**: added support for proxying CONNECT requests, terminating CONNECT requests, and converting raw TCP streams into HTTP/2 CONNECT requests. See :ref:`upgrade documentation ` for details. * **listener**: added in place filter chain update flow for tcp listener update which doesn't close connections if the corresponding network filter chain is equivalent during the listener update. Can be disabled by setting runtime feature ``envoy.reloadable_features.listener_in_place_filterchain_update`` to false. Also added additional draining filter chain stat for :ref:`listener manager ` to track the number of draining filter chains and the number of in place update attempts. * **logger**: added ``--log-format-prefix-with-location`` command line option to prefix '%v' with file path and line number. * **lrs**: added new ``envoy_api_field_service.load_stats.v2.LoadStatsResponse.send_all_clusters`` field in LRS response, which allows management servers to avoid explicitly listing all clusters it is interested in; behavior is allowed based on new ``envoy.lrs.supports_send_all_clusters`` capability in :ref:`client_features ` field. * **lrs**: updated to allow to explicitly set the API version of gRPC service endpoint and message to be used. * **lua**: added :ref:`per route config ` for Lua filter. * **lua**: added tracing to the ``httpCall()`` API. * **metrics service**: added :ref:`API version ` to explicitly set the version of gRPC service endpoint and message to be used. * **network filters**: added a :ref:`postgres proxy filter `. * **network filters**: added a :ref:`rocketmq proxy filter `. * **performance**: enabled stats symbol table implementation by default. To disable it, add ``--use-fake-symbol-table 1`` to the command- line arguments when starting Envoy. * **ratelimit**: added :ref:`API version ` to explicitly set the version of gRPC service endpoint and message to be used. * **ratelimit**: added support for use of dynamic metadata :ref:`dynamic_metadata ` as a ratelimit action. * **ratelimit**: support specifying dynamic overrides in rate limit descriptors using :ref:`limit override ` config. * **redis**: added acl support :ref:`downstream_auth_username ` for downstream client ACL authentication, and :ref:`auth_username ` to configure authentication usernames for upstream Redis 6+ server clusters with ACL enabled. * **regex**: added support for enforcing max program size via runtime and stats to monitor program size for :ref:`Google RE2 `. * **request_id**: added to :ref:`always_set_request_id_in_response setting ` to set :ref:`x-request-id ` header in response even if tracing is not forced. * **router**: added more fine grained internal redirect configs to the :ref:`internal_redirect_policy ` field. * **router**: added regex substitution support for header based hashing. * **router**: added support for RESPONSE_FLAGS and RESPONSE_CODE_DETAILS :ref:`header formatters `. * **router**: allow Rate Limiting Service to be called in case of missing request header for a descriptor if the :ref:`skip_if_absent ` field is set to true. * **runtime**: added new gauge :ref:`deprecated_feature_seen_since_process_start ` that gets reset across hot restarts. * **server**: added :ref:`server.envoy_bug_failures ` statistic to count ENVOY_BUG failures. * **server**: added the option :option:`--drain-strategy` to enable different drain strategies for DrainManager::drainClose(). * **stats**: added the option to :ref:`report counters as deltas ` to the metrics service stats sink. * **tracing**: made tracing configuration fully dynamic and every HTTP connection manager can now have a separate :ref:`tracing provider `. * **udp**: upgraded :ref:`udp_proxy ` filter to v3 and promoted it out of alpha. Deprecated ---------- * **compression**: The :ref:`HTTP Gzip filter ` has been deprecated in favor of :ref:`Compressor `. * **dns**: Using cluster circuit breakers for DNS Cache is now deprecated in favor of :ref:`DNS cache circuit breakers `. This behavior can be temporarily disabled by setting ``envoy.reloadable_features.enable_dns_cache_circuit_breakers`` to ``false``. * **logging**: File access logger fields :ref:`format `, :ref:`json_format ` and :ref:`typed_json_format ` are deprecated in favor of :ref:`log_format `. * **matching**: The - change: | :ref:`GoogleRE2.max_program_size ` field is now deprecated. Management servers are expected to validate regexp program sizes instead of expecting the client to do it. Alternatively, the max program size can be enforced by Envoy via runtime. * **routing**: The :ref:`internal_redirect_action ` field and :ref:`max_internal_redirects ` field are now deprecated. This changes the implemented default cross scheme redirect behavior. All cross scheme redirects are disallowed by default. To restore the previous behavior, set allow_cross_scheme_redirect=true and use :ref:`safe_cross_scheme `, in :ref:`predicates `. * **tracing**: Tracing provider configuration as part of :ref:`bootstrap config ` has been deprecated in favor of configuration as part of :ref:`HTTP connection manager `. * **xds**: A warning is now logged when v2 xDS api is used. This behavior can be temporarily disabled by setting ``envoy.reloadable_features.enable_deprecated_v2_api_warning`` to ``false``.