.. _config_http_filters_checksum: Checksum ======== * This filter should be configured with the type URL ``type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.checksum.v3alpha.ChecksumConfig``. * :ref:`v3 API reference ` .. attention:: The checksum filter is only included in :ref:`contrib images ` .. attention:: The checksum filter is experimental and is currently under active development. The checksum filter matches the hashed body of a response from an upstream download path against an expected sha256 hash. This is useful in a situation where you may want to mirror an upstream dynamically, caching the results forever but only when the content matches a known checksum. Setting ``reject_unmatched`` to ``true`` will prevent requests with paths that are not matched by the filter from passing through. Example configuration --------------------- Full filter configuration: .. literalinclude:: _include/checksum_filter.yaml :language: yaml :lines: 26-38 :emphasize-lines: 2-12 :linenos: :caption: :download:`checksum_filter.yaml <_include/checksum_filter.yaml>`