.. _config_http_filters_bandwidth_limit: Bandwidth limit ==================== * Bandwidth limiting :ref:`architecture overview ` * This filter should be configured with the type URL ``type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.http.bandwidth_limit.v3.BandwidthLimit``. * :ref:`v3 API reference ` The HTTP Bandwidth limit filter limits the size of data flow to the max bandwidth set in the ``limit_kbps`` when the request's route, virtual host or filter chain has a :ref:`bandwidth limit configuration `. If the bandwidth limit has been exhausted the filter stops further transfer until more bandwidth gets allocated according to the ``fill_interval`` (default is 50 milliseconds). If the connection buffer fills up with accumulated data then the source of data will have ``readDisable(true)`` set as described in the :repo:`flow control doc`. .. note:: The token bucket is shared across all workers, thus the limits are applied per Envoy process. Example configuration --------------------- Example filter configuration for a globally disabled bandwidth limiter but enabled for a specific route: .. literalinclude:: _include/bandwidth-limit-filter.yaml :language: yaml :lines: 11-53 :emphasize-lines: 9-25 :caption: :download:`bandwidth-limit-filter.yaml <_include/bandwidth-limit-filter.yaml>` Note that if this filter is configured as globally disabled and there are no virtual host or route level token buckets, no bandwidth limiting will be applied. Statistics ---------- The HTTP bandwidth limit filter outputs statistics in the ``.http_bandwidth_limit.`` namespace. .. csv-table:: :header: Name, Type, Description :widths: 1, 1, 2 request_enabled, Counter, Total number of request streams for which the bandwidth limiter was consulted request_enforced, Counter, Total number of request streams for which the bandwidth limiter was enforced request_pending, GAUGE, Number of request streams which are currently pending transfer in bandwidth limiter request_incoming_size, GAUGE, Size in bytes of incoming request data to bandwidth limiter request_allowed_size, GAUGE, Size in bytes of outgoing request data from bandwidth limiter request_incoming_total_size, Counter, Total size in bytes of incoming request data to bandwidth limiter request_allowed_total_size, Counter, Total size in bytes of outgoing request data from bandwidth limiter request_transfer_duration, HISTOGRAM, Total time (including added delay) it took for the request stream transfer response_enabled, Counter, Total number of response streams for which the bandwidth limiter was consulted response_enforced, Counter, Total number of response streams for which the bandwidth limiter was enforced response_pending, GAUGE, Number of response streams which are currently pending transfer in bandwidth limiter response_incoming_size, GAUGE, Size in bytes of incoming response data to bandwidth limiter response_allowed_size, GAUGE, Size in bytes of outgoing response data from bandwidth limiter response_incoming_total_size, Counter, Total size in bytes of incoming response data to bandwidth limiter response_allowed_total_size, Counter, Total size in bytes of outgoing response data from bandwidth limiter response_transfer_duration, HISTOGRAM, Total time (including added delay) it took for the response stream transfer .. _config_http_filters_bandwidth_limit_runtime: Runtime ------- The HTTP bandwidth limit filter supports the following runtime settings: The bandwidth limit filter can be runtime feature flagged via the :ref:`enabled ` configuration field.